
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fabulous Offer From Ammi-Joan Paquette

As if her helpful comments and generous prizes weren't enough, Ammi-Joan Paquette has extended the following offer TO ALL MISS SNARK'S FIRST VICTIM BLOG READERS ONLY:

Just for you, Ms. Paquette has OPENED SUBMISSIONS for the remainder of January.


The Guidelines:
  • Please submit your query and the first three pages of your manuscript to Ms. Paquette at [redacted]. (Paste the pages directly into your email at the end of the query.)
  • Reference the Authoress blog referral.
  • Ms. Paquette only represents MG and YA novels. For more information, please read her entry on or
  • This offer is only good through January 31, 2010.
  • PLEASE DO NOT spread this offer around the Internet. Ms. Paquette has extended this offer to readers of this blog, so that those who did not get a chance to participate in the contest (or those who, perhaps, didn't win) have a chance to query their work.
If you have any questions, please post them below before submitting. Or if your question is sensitive/private, please don't hesitate to email me.

At any rate, this is an AWESOME opportunity to get your work in front of an agent at an excellent agency that isn't normally open to unsolicited submissions. And it speaks highly of the quality of work displayed here.

Our Premium Slush Pile is rocking! Well done.


  1. Wow, that's fantastic. Good luck to everyone!!

  2. Agree - fantastic and awesome<:

    I have nothing ready at the moment, but wish everyone the best. Good luck guys!

  3. Wow, that's incredible. And a fantastic tribute to your blog!!

  4. That is super generous! Thanks Ammi-Joan, and thanks Authoress for organizing all this!

  5. Oh my goodness.

    Oh my goodness!

    Oh my goodly goodly goodness!

    I am excited.

    Dear Authoress, you really are amazing. Community, solidarity, high-class slush and the best darn hat ever.

    Good luck to all here!

  6. Yay, I know what I'll be doing today...

  7. I don't think I'll make the deadline--but this is so wonderful! Good luck everyone!

  8. Wow, what an amazing opportunity. I was lambasting myself for not entering this last contest. Not that I was presumptuous and thought I could win -- the competition this time around was unparalleled -- but I was still kicking myself for not even trying. Anyway, I'll put my foot down now and query. Thanks, Authoress and Ms. Paquette!

  9. My current WIPs are not YA or MG, even though the one I'm querying can be. Should I query anyway?

  10. I entered one of your Secret Agent contests fewer than six months ago, so I'm overjoyed to have the chance to query Ms. Paquette.

    Thanks, Authoress!

  11. Hi,
    Thanks dear Authoress for helping create opportunities.

    I have a question: Is she open to translated work? That is, a mg story written by a well-known, long dead author and then translated by moi?

    Thanks in advance for finding out the answer. And happy 2010 to you!


  12. Wow!

    When I first found out who was the agent, I thought, good for the winners to be able to query an agent not open to unsolicited submissions.

    Thank you!!

  13. On the Erin Murphy Literary Agency Website, it states that Ms. Paquette represents all forms of children's and young adult literature. Does this mean she represents Children's picture books as well? Also, does she have a blog? Thanks...

  14. Feywriter -- You know, you will have to decide for yourself whether you want to pursue an agent that doesn't rep your other stuff.

    RK -- I'll find out!

  15. Should we put anything specific in the subject line (aside from Query: Title) so it gets through?

    Thanks so much Authoress & Ms. Paquette!

  16. Wow . . . how generous of Ms. Paquette! That's awesome news! And thanks again, Authoress, for holding another great Secret Agent contest!

  17. RK -- No translations, sorry. =(

    Ms. Rainy -- Whatever's on her official web site or listings is what you should go by.

  18. MarcyKate -- Doesn't matter a whole lot, so long as you mention me/the blog in the body of your query. Ms. Paquette doesn't generally receive queries, so the ones that will be filtering into her email this week will likely come from here. =)

  19. Thanks Authoress for getting the answer. Oh well, I guess I'll sit this one out. Best of luck to all brave enough to submit!

  20. Awesome! I had entered a SA contest within the last six months so I couldn't enter this time.

    Now I'm not as bummed out about it. =D

  21. Wow! That is so kind of Ms. Paquette and a great opportunity for us all.

  22. That's awesome - very generous of Ms. Paquette!

  23. That is awesome, Authoress. Good luck everyone. Ms.Paquette is going to be a busy lady.

  24. Wow! Perfect timing for me, and I was really bumming about not being able to enter this round. Thank you SO much, Authoress and Ms. Paquette!

  25. This is a great blog and I thoroughly enjoy reading it! I do have one question. Is there a reason that most of the agents only seem to rep MG/YA? It seems as though if you don't write in that genre it will be twice as hard to find an agent!

  26. I actually gasped when I read this post, and I'm not a gasping kind of person, I'll have you know.

    After reading the SA's comments I made a note to be sure to query her when her identity was revealed. (I wasn't eligible for this contest due to participation in a recent SA contest.) You can imagine my dismay when I found out her agency doesn't accept unsolicited queries. Then came today's marvelous post and...gasp.

    This is amazingly generous of Ms. Paquette.

    Authoress, thank you, yet again, for providing this forum for all of us.

    A rocking slush pile, indeed.

  27. Wow!! What an incredibly generous offer :)

  28. this is awesome! I have a few edits left to do that my critique group pointed out, but then i'm going to shoot and email her way : ) thanks!

  29. Does this mean even if we didn't earn even a HM we can still submit our novel pages? Or something else? Anyone have any advice? I've already revised per SA and everyone's advice.

  30. Shelley, I would think that's what this means, especially if she made an encouraging comment about your first 250. But even if she didn't, you might as well give it a crack. The worse she can do is say no.

  31. Man, I love this blog. Miss Snark makes me happy to be online! I just sent off my first three pages, so wish me luck! And good luck to the rest of you. I hope Ms. Paquette agrees to represent all of us.

  32. Krista G.--Thanks! That's what I'll do.

  33. Thank you Ms. Paquette! You're going to be very busy to say the least.

    Wow Authoress!! have to write that again...WOW

  34. What great news. I'm so excited. Thanks Authoress.

  35. Authoress, I mentioned "Miss Snark's First Victim blog referral" in my subject line. Is there any reason why that wouldn't get past Ms. Paquette's filters? (Should I have put 'Authoress'?)

    And do you have an idea of when we should hear back? I'd like to be sure my query got through.

    Thanks for any help!

  36. That's an incredible opportunity! How generous!

  37. Awesome -- this is just so the blog aspiring writers must read!

    I can't take up Ms. Paquette's offer as I'm in the middle of yet another revision after feedback from some new eyes, so my YA will have to wait for another time, but I wish the best to all those who are able to.

    Congrats to you, Authoress, on yet another coup for the blog!

  38. That is so amazing! I wish it were possible to finish my MS between now and the end of January. Alas, it is not. I wish everyone else the best of luck!

    Thanks, Authoress and Ms. Paquette!

  39. I just did it. Thanks for the opportunity, Authoress!
