
Monday, January 18, 2010

Have We Ever Got Winners!

Well, folks, you certainly made a good impression this round! Without further hoo-hah, here are Ms. Paquette's winners:

Runners Up:

#17 Colors like Memories

#30 Secret of Legacy

#33 Wish You Weren’t

#44 Violet Ray

The Prize:

Ms. Paquette requests that you please send a query and first three chapters; she will send a brief critique and consider requesting more if she is hooked. (Please email me at facelesswords(at) for specific submission instructions.)


#14 Skylar’s Story

#12 Twelfth of Never

The Prize:

Ms. Paquette requests that you please send a query and full manuscript. She will critique the first 25 pages (and possibly the whole thing if she is hooked enough!). (Please email me at facelesswords(at) for specific submission instructions.)

Wait! There's more!

Other Notable Mentions:
(These caught our Secret Agent's eye and made her want to read more)

#3, #5, #7, #10, #13, #16, #18, #29, #35, #38, #39, #50

The Prize:

Ms. Paquette would like to see your query and first three chapters. (Email me at facelesswords(at) for specific submission instructions.)



  1. Many thanks to you Authoress! Without this website and the work you put into it, none of us would've even had the chance to submit to this agency.

  2. Yay, my favorites made it to notable mentions, and one made it to runner up. Congrats! One didn't make it, but my fingers are crossed the writer has success with a different agent. :D

  3. Wow! I'm so excited. Thank you for hosting this contest and your generous support of writers! Congrats to all the winners and good luck with the future submissions!

  4. Wow, tons of winners! Congratulations, everyone! It was a great batch of opening pages.

  5. Congratulations everyone. So happy to see my favorites made it! And, yes, Susie J is correct. They are closed to unsolicited submissions. A big thank you to Authoress!

  6. Great to see so many winners/notable mentions - congratulations to them all, and thanks to Authoress and Ms. Paquette for the contest.

  7. Congratulations to all the winners, runners up, and notable mentions, and best of luck with your sumissions!

    And hooray to you too, Ms. Paquette, for diving in and giving so many people an opportunity!

  8. Congrats to ALL the winners! Wow, you've certainly got a talented group of readers, Authoress!

  9. I was shocked to see mine listed under notable mentions when I came to check out the winners.

    I'm not surprised to see so many chosen though, I thought this was a great batch of submissions. (Miss SFV is getting us all in shape) Thank you Ms. Paquette for giving us the opportunity to submit to your agency. I've always wanted to.

    As a side note, I really enjoyed several that weren't chosen. There were lots of great entries.

    Thanks everyone for the opportunity.

  10. Wow! I'm so excited to be a Notable Mention!

    But you want to know something weird? {I don't care if you want to know or not, I'm still telling! :-)}

    This was my last ditch effort on this particular story at this time--and I woke up at 3:45 this morning with the realization that I needed to dump the entire second chapter. Huh? It's not this story hasn't gone through numerous drafts and CP's after I finished it last spring. I guess putting it out there for the Secret Agent and all the commenters that made me wake up.
    Thank you Authoress and everyone who commented!

  11. Wow, what great prizes! Congratulations, everyone!

  12. Congratulations to all the winners. I have a good friend agented through this agency and you are all getting an amazing opportunity! Hooray!

  13. Congratulations to all the winners. Glad to see there were so many.

  14. Congrats to all. I agree there were lots of good submissions.

    Ms. Paquette was so generous with her comments and requests that it makes me wish I would've been eligible for this contest. Ah, well.

  15. What astoundingly generous offers Ms. Paquette has extended to so many contestants! Wow--this woman is fantastic! She's a Professional, offering critiques! Brief or not, these days such generosity is rarer than ethics in Congress.

    So, though not involved in this contest, I'd like to say THANK YOU to Ms. Paquette. Sooooo nice of you.

    Authoress--you picked a winner with this Secret Agent. THANKS TO YOU, too. Here's me, mega-impressed.

  16. Congratulations to all the winners and best of luck to everyone in their submissions!

    I'm so excited to be a Notable Mention, I'm dancing around the living room. Thank heavens the blinds are closed!

    Thank you to Authoress and Ms. Paquette for running such a great contest! The feedback alone was awesome.

  17. Wow! I received a Notable Mention! Yay! Thank you so much, Ms. Paquette. I'm so excited.

    Congratulations to all the winners and thank you all so much for the great comments on my post. You all rock.

    And of course, thank you for the opportunity, Authoress. I can't wait to send in my first three chapters and query.

  18. Yay! Congrats to the winners and a big thanks to Ammi-Joan and Authoress!

  19. Yay! I'm so excited to be a runner up! Thanks Authoress for this opportunity!

  20. Oh wow. I am so shocked to see that I'm one of the winners -- a 25 page crit is an AMAZING prize and I'm really looking forward to it. And congrats to everyone! There were lots of great entries this round and I think that's reflected in the number of prizes :D

  21. I second that, inkspatters! I'm thrilled to be one of the winners, especially given how many great entries there were. And I'm doubly thrilled with the prize -- can't wait to receive my critique. Thanks so much, Authoress and Ms. Paquette, for your generosity!

  22. Fantastic. Nice job, everyone.

  23. Thank you, Authoress, for your continued efforts to help us get our work in front of great agents, such as Ammi-Joan. I'm delighted to have my entry selected as a notable mention, and I truly appreciate the feedback I received on entry #50.

    :::sends virtual chocolate fountains to all:::
