
Thursday, March 25, 2010

27 Historical Romance

TITLE: Siege of the Heart
GENRE: Historical Romance

Isobel Dumont would not cry, not in front of the men her father charged with her protection.


  1. Not hooked. A historical romance with a rich girl trying not to cry. I worry that she'd be somewhat weepy the whole time.

  2. I like that she's trying to be tough, but not totally hooked.

  3. not completely hooked yet, but I would read on because I like the genre

  4. I'd give it a few more sentences to tell me what's going on and whether or not her trying not to cry has merit in relation to the situation.

  5. I like the genre, but I probably wouldn't read on. This beginning gives the impression she's going to be whiny, so I'd stop right here.

  6. Not really hooked. Same as Juli said, I instantly imagine her a whiny, rich girl. I would read on, at least for the next few sentences, to see if it's explained why her father is protecting her.

  7. Semi-hooked here... I like the fact she does not want to be wobbly and cry in front of her protectors.

    I imagine the next line shows her stalwartly putting on her game face and carrying on despite the PROBLEM (which I have no doubt would be revealed). :)

  8. Not sure. This isn't my genre, but I might read a little further to try to get a handle on Isobel

  9. This isn't my genre, but I'm hooked. I want to know why she is under protection and why she's crying.

    If the reasons are interesting and not a cliche, I'd settle in and read on.

  10. HOOKED! N' this isn't even a genre I'd normally be interested in!! ㋡

  11. My first thought was - not another whiny woman. But it's just a sentence, and it's written well, so I would give it more time. However, I'd chuck the book fast if she continued on that way.

  12. Yikes! This one's mine. Isobel is not a whiny woman at all, so I was surprised to see the comments about that because as the author I have such a different image of her. I think the rest of the first para dispels the image of a crybaby rich girl, but this has been an eye-opener for me.

    Thanks for commenting!

  13. Hooked. Something more unique than death and mayhem, which is so overdone these days IMO. A frightened femela who doesn't cry and keeps a stiff upper lip. Go girl! See no reason to assume she's a whiner.

  14. hooked enough to keep reading. good job!

  15. Not hooked.

    Somehow, the first sentence just doesn't make me care for the character enough.

  16. Love this genre. Am semi-hooked. Like others, would give it a page or two to judge.

  17. Sort of hooked. I'd need a subtle hint at time and place in the next para and a big reason why she's close to tears to keep reading though.

  18. Not quite, it felt like there were too many words, but I might read on a bit more to see what's going on...
