
Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday Fricassee

Today I'm tossing big kudos your way!

You all know by now that I'm completely Twitterized. It's an excellent networking tool that fits the publishing industry particularly well. Probably because it's a lot of people....writing. Those 140 characters can be hugely revealing. Deeply insightful. Or coffee-snortingly funny.

Those of you who are already on Twitter are aware of the weekly twitchat marked by the hashtag #YAlitchat. Agents, editors, and a preponderance of authors frequent this moves-so-fast-you-can-barely-keep-up wealth of information, advice, and occasional hilarity.

This past Wednesday during the chat, agent extraordinaire Lauren MacLeod, who tweets as @BostonBookGirl, said the following:

I didn't sign anyone, but I was really impressed with the writing I saw on @AuthoressAnon's contests. WAY better than slush.

That's right. She's talking about YOU.

(Pause for effect.)

You are putting forth your best, and people are noticing. There have been 3 client signings as a result of this blog. Agents skulk about when no one's looking, too. I had another email last week from an agent asking about a particular entry--IN THE TALKIN' HEADS. Oh, yes. Even your possibly-not-quite-finished work is capturing notice.

All that to say? KEEP IT UP! Keep working, keep growing, keep being courageous enough to throw your stuff out there and wise enough to listen to constructive critique.

I'm so proud of you. (And I hope that doesn't sound schmoopy. Seriously.) I'm grateful for what so many of you have contributed here. This blog wouldn't be what it is without you.

If I had lots of chocolate, I would share it. Since I have none, feel free to send some. Teuscher champagne truffles would be perfect.

*group hug*


  1. Woo-hoo!

    I haven't dived into Twitter, though I do have an account. I suppose I should immerse myself in Twitterland! Maybe.

  2. This is good to know about--thank you for sharing...I love being a part of the twitterverse and this blog. Thank you.

  3. YEAH!!!!

    Authoress, you put a lot of hard work into this blog to allow such great news to continue to happen to its readers and contributors.

    Kudos to you as well. Nice work.

    I often follow the #YAlitchat discussions on Twitter and you're right, it's often insightful and funny!!

    If you're not on twitter, I highly recommend joining, even if it's just to watch the posts. You can learn so much from the tips everyone (publishers/writers/agents) provide.

    Great job, everyone. Have a fantastic weekend.

  4. I saw that too!! In all of that flurry that night! woo-hoo

  5. You provide a great service her for writers (And apparently, agents too). The Talkin' Heads was a big ego boost for me. Thanks for these great opportunities. I hope to make it in next week's contest.

  6. Let's be sure to toss some of those Kudos back at ya!

    This blog is extremely helpful and I've enjoyed lurking, posting, learning, and growing . . . and growing . . . and growing. ;-)

    This is an amazing resource for writers and you're the bomb for allowing us to be here and participate (or lurk). =D

  7. I love all the giving and learning that goes on here, Authoress. Kudos right back at ya.

  8. OMG, I LOVE Teuscher Champagne Truffles! You're the first person I've "met" who knows them.

    Okay, back down to earth. I've had a ball on Twitter, following various agents and authors and gleaning little #queryfacts and #pubtips along the way. It has given me insight into the personalities of various agents. I think my next round of querying will be much more focused than the last.

    Thanks again for the work you put into your blog!

  9. Utter COOLNESS!! ㋡ Thanks for the kudos, it got me ENERGIZED like that Energizer Bunny to WRITE, WRITE, WRITE!!!

  10. Wish I had something more insightful to say than woohoo, but that pretty much covers it. :-)

  11. Very, very cool. But if you're going to brag about how submitters are getting signed and what-not, I'm really really going to ask you to think about moving the submittal deadline every once in a while (or doing something else such that I have a shot at submitting something before the cut-off :-).

    Even if you don't, though, it's really awesome what you're doing here. I love reading the excerpts.

  12. Thank you
    for the venue.

    hmm, maybe I should try poetry.

    Thanks Authoress. We appreciate your hard work.

  13. I think it makes sense that this group is better than the general slush. What we all have in common, is the desire to get feedback, and to grow as writers. Thanks again for this forum, Authoress!

  14. I really enjoy this blog. And what Heather said. :-)

  15. Here's a bouquet of flowers for Authoress for setting up this terrific community (how about 30 gorgeous red tulips for spring).

    My baby isn't ready for the world, but I appreciate the chance to get some feedback.

    Authoress, you're the best.

  16. Rock-n-roll! Thanks for the #YALitChat shoutout and all you do for the writer community. You know I'm a fan and wish you well!

    Georgia McBride
    YA Author of PRAEFATIO Series
    Founder, YALitChat
