
Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday Fricassee

Happy Fridayness!

Did you enjoy the First Kisses?

Evidently we're still working out system glitches, only this time it was largely my fault. I set the maximum entry number to 2 per person. And it backfired. I ended up with double entries (one actually posted and was pointed out to me after the fact...bleh!), and an alternate number assigned to someone who already had a slot. So next time? One entry per person. Period. Make sure you get it right.

I'm being transparent about the wee problems to remind you that it's not perfect (yet) and I'm not perfect (um...). But wow! The whole reason we had the contest in the first place is because it's SO EASY to run contests now.

I have also been remiss in not publicly thanking MATT, Michael's colleague and our other Programmer Extraordinaire. I mean, this guy fixes things SO FAST, it's like they were never broken!

So, yes. Thanks for doing SO MUCH, Matt!

And you've probably figured it out, but my Kiss entry was #6, which is from my current WIP. Thanks for the helpful feedback; I am SO going to reverse those last two sentences as suggested. Like those of you who have written First Kisses before me, I have discovered that they ARE NOT EASY!

Wow. You'd think I'd never been kissed.

Thanks, all, for another fun and successful round. See you Monday with our May Secret Agent Contest info!


  1. Writing kiss scenes are hard. Thanks for contest Authoress and Matt!

  2. Loved the kissing scenes. Nice idea :)

  3. Thank you so much for running the contest!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks Authoress. This was fun and helpful. I got exactly the feedback I was looking for. Thanks to those who critiqued. You guys are he best.

  6. I loved seeing all the different ways a kiss could be approached. So much fun and what wonderful feedback. Thanks for all the hard work you do to help your fellow writers.

  7. This was a LOT of fun. Although since all entries had the same subject, I had to go away and come back between readings to come back fresh. (Especially after some of the 'hot' kisses!)

    I hope everybody got good feedback!

  8. Thank you for putting the contest out - it was helpful, and so much fun to read all the interesting different types of kisses. There were sweet kisses, and then there were... the not so sweet kisses. ;)
    Lots of fun, thanks authoress!

  9. I write sf/f, not romance. That doesn't mean there isn't a romantic element in my stories (although I haven't written my first "first kiss" scene yet).

    So I have to ask: Am I the only male who reads this blog? :) I don't believe I saw a single crit from a male (I didn't crit, because I didn't submit; I may not let that stop me going forward, though!).

  10. No, Steve, you're not, though I warrant you are greatly outnumbered. :) I can think of...5 other males offhand who read this blog regularly.

  11. Very helpful contest, Authoress. Thank you.

  12. Great contest, (mostly) helpful comments, fun reading about kissing. Illustrated the many different ways a kiss could happen and the many differences in what people like about them.

  13. Great contest. Thank you Authoress. I loved reading everyone's take on First Kiss and the varied comments. Great entries.

  14. Thanks for a wonderful opportunity for feedback! It was so much fun reading all of these. It was interesting to see the different ways that the kiss could be approached, and it made me feel more comfortable that mine was approached in a way that was appropriate to its genre/age group.

    I wanted to comment on the issue with the alternate thing - that was me, and I'm not really sure what happened. I wouldn't have submitted the same thing twice. I was accepted on the first submit and given the number that ended up being mine, then e-mailed and told that I had to resubmit in plain text, though I had selected plain text in gmail the first time around. On the second submit I was told I was an alternate. So I don't know if it's a glitch or not - but wanted to let you know what happened in case it is.

    All in all, thanks for a wonderful opportunity!

  15. I kept kicking myself for not seeing the announcement in time to submit mine, but it was fun reading all the entries.

    I have to say I liked the more straightfoward kisses than the ones that were overly descriptive or wordy.

    It was great to see the whole range of ways to handle the subject. So even if you don't enter, you still get a feel for what does/doesn't work for you and how you might approach it in your own writing.

  16. It was a really neat contest. Thank you totally for doing it. I, too, enjoyed the feedback. Your blog readers are an incredibly talented bunch of people. I so hope they all achieve great success. Have a super weekend everyone!

  17. Thank you for organizing the whole thing - it was fun to read the passion! I got some great feedback. Thanks again!
