
Monday, October 11, 2010

Round 2 Submissions Are Now Open


ETA: I've reopened the window until 11:00 am EDT, since we didn't hit our 50 max. If you missed your chance and your manuscript matches this month's genres, go for it! All submissions go to authoress.submissions(at)


  1. Can't believe I didn't chicken out again. I always prep the email, but never hit send. This time I hit it before I even knew what I was doing. Well, too late to chicken out again. Thanks, Authoress, for putting these on. They're a lot of fun to read, even when I don't hit the send button.

  2. I don't see the 'submissions closed' message...this can't still be open, can it? Can't hurt to try...

  3. I think it is. Earlier, it took about 3 hours to get to 25. Authoress says this happens when there is no sci-fi/fantasy included. So good luck!

  4. thanks Jen. I sent the Sept entry by auto pilot from work...but was snagged by my company's auto-signature! 346 words! I'll figure it out one of these months.

  5. I didn't get a message either way...I guess I didn't make it?

  6. John, the bot always sends an auto-reply, whether you are accepted or rejected. Did you check your spam box? The only other thing I can think is that you didn't get the email address correct. :(

  7. Authoress, I can't figure it's the cut/paste of where I sent it...

    next time I'll be sure to get the reply...I've seen a few really strong entries for October!

    ps, very impressive how you keep up with it all!
