
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Special December Something

Nope, still not an official announcement (that will come next week!). But there are a few basics it's important for you to know now. Here they are:

  • The December Event will take place the week of December 6. Submissions, however, will be accepted earlier (TBA).
  • The event is open to authors of COMPLETED, CLEANED, and QUERY-READY manuscripts.
  • Genres for the event will be announced ahead of time.
  • Submissions for this event must include a well-written LOG LINE (hook) in order to qualify.
  • Submitting to this event does not guarantee your acceptance. A set number of entries will be accepted based on strength of log line and opening sentences. (More on that later.)
  • ALL participants of past Secret Agent contests are warmly invited to submit to the December Event. EVEN WINNERS.
  • Concerning the November Secret Agent contest: You may enter both. However, think carefully! The biggest "prize" for most participants is the valuable feedback. It's highly doubtful that your work will change drastically in less than a month. Part of the "slush" process will be determining if recent SA entries are "too same" for further feedback. If it's pretty much the same entry with little to no editing, it'll probably be passed over.
That's it for now! Full disclosure for the Special December Event will happen next week. I promise!

(You're gonna LOVE this. No, really. Ask my husband how I won't stop bubbling at the mouth over this. Poor Mr. A. [not really])


  1. Love the new look - and I am super psyched about this - it sounds awesomeness frosted ^_^

  2. I'm on tenderhooks. You've definitely got the hook concept down. :)

  3. I'm soooooo curious. I'll go over my hook again and again.

  4. I can't wait. Logline is only one sentence, right?

  5. I gotta say, I really like it when you bubble.

  6. Oh, you're really building the anticipation. I can't wait! :-)

  7. This tension building really reminds me of Jon Stewart's preparation to announce the Rally to Restore Sanity. I REALLY hope that I make it into the Special December thing now. I've been working on my log line over and over. ::bites fingernails::

  8. I think I can speak for everyone when I say we'll all be checking back constantly for more teasers :) Very excited though!
