
Friday, November 26, 2010

Friday Fricassee

Happy Friday!

First note of business:  All rejections and acceptances were sent out on Wednesday (with rabid determination, I might add; my poor dad did not understand why I was hunched over my laptop).  Again, if you have not received a response, please check your spam box.  Nothing bounced, so you should all have your email.

Second:  Thank you for your lovely emails, from rejectees and acceptees alike.  My intention is always to respond to each one personally, but I'm not sure I can swing that this time.  So...thank you.  And you're welcome.

Third:  I actually RELAXED for two days and had some of the best quality time with my family that I could've asked for.  (I mean, lunch out with my parents and sister?  Belly laughing the night away?  This is good stuff!)  But...after the first twenty-four hours MY BRAIN FELT LIKE COLD OATMEAL.  I really need to stay productive to feel fully "here."

Does this resonate with you at all?

I am SO eager to dive back into my WIP this afternoon.  SO glad to be reconnecting with you through this blog post.  SO thankful for the chance to feel productive again.

It's that Type A thing rearing its head again.

And there you have it.  Bye-bye Thanksgiving Zombie; hello frenetic Authoress.

There's still pie to be eaten, though.  Pie ranks fairly high on my list of Things That Make Life Wonderful.  Especially homemade pies.  Especially homemade pies that someone else baked.

See you Monday!


  1. I know it's not "technically" Thanksgiving food, but I will bare-knuckle box Mike Tyson for the last slice of French Silk pie... yummmmm

  2. SO glad you rested, and SO glad you're back! Happy Friday and here's to PIE! *raises loaded fork* Cheers!

  3. *Pie High Five!* Though, my sister DID make an AMAZING bread pudding with rum sauce, too. I was too stuffed to try to get some pie to go with it. Deep fried turkey, loaded mashed taters, awesome dressing, cheesy veggies, rolls, rice-n-broccoli stuff, and sweet tea.

    Glad you have been to the Land of the Food Coma and safely found your way back.


  4. I don't think anyone expected you to reply to all the replies to the acceptance and rejection emails. That's got to be, what, over 100? But thanks for the reply on the blog :-) I'm glad you were able to put the WIP aside for some quality time with the family, and glad you're now itching to dive back in!

  5. Oh my gosh, I am exactly the same way! I can relax just a little while, but then I want to write and to blog! I have to feel productive. Then I feel guilty I can't just unplug with family and do nothing.

  6. I didn't intend to, but I took Tuesday and Wednesday off, and yeah, I was like cold oatmeal by Thursday. Good to know I'm not the only one. =o)

    Glad to see you're back and that you had a nice vacation. Now it's off to write and later reward myself with pie.

  7. "I love pie!"- my personal quote. People hear me say this a lot. I do believe that pie has healing properties and I know all about the Thanksgiving Monster that chews you up and spits out "blah!"

    The best pie is delicious combinations of good pie... take the pecan/pumpkin pie. Or the oozing cherry/apple pie.

    Thanks for the pie reminder... I think I will go and have some.

  8. I never received word via email and it isn't in the spam filter.

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