
Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Yes, it is.  I thought you all ought to know.

I don't have anything profound to say about it.  I found out yesterday and was fairly amused, as cashews are one of the mainstays of my existence. 

I mean, NATIONAL CASHEW DAY.  Who knew?

Anyway, I'm taking the next two days off.  As in, completely off.  No writing, no blog work.  I'm going to push through today and try to get all the rejection and acceptance emails out, though.  If you don't hear from me, it'll be right after Thanksgiving for sure.

Big hugs to you all!  And Happy Cashew Day.  Seriously.


  1. Thanks Authoress,

    ON pins and needles waiting for your email.

    I would love to wish you a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!

    We all are very thankful for you and all the work you do to create your blog and these contests to help us make our dreams come true....


  2. Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to take it easy. Hope you have a fabulous one, and don't stress about the Auction. We're (probably) all adults here. We can handle a couple more days of neurotic checking of emails and heart palpitations, promise.


  3. I think you should take at least three days off. In my opinion, there should be a mandatory rest day after every holiday (since holidays aren't always completely stress-free). I hereby declare Friday to be National Digestion Day.

    Seriously, though, thanks for all your hard work. We're all thankful to have you around :)

  4. Man, do you ever deserve a break. Enjoy your holiday, and may boxes of chocolate-covered cashews miraculously appear on your doorstep.

  5. Gesundheit.

    (I couldn't resist saying that. ;)

    Enjoy your time off, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Yay! An excuse to get take-out oriental cashew chicken for lunch :)

    Have a fantastic Thanksgiving. And thank you for all you do.

  7. Also excited to hear from you, either way. Although our Thanksgiving was over a month ago (Canada) I wish you a very happy Turkey day! Enjoy your time off.

  8. I love cashews, but I'm allergic!

    Eat a handful or two for me, and have a great holiday. You deserve a break. Thanks for everything you do.

  9. Thanks for all the hard work you put into this blog. I can only imagine how time consuming running all these contests and such are.

    But ya do a great job. *Tosses cashews in the air*

    Have a great holiday

  10. I love cashews too. Have a great Thanksgiving!

  11. I love cashews! Just wish they weren't so darn expensive - I can't remember the last time I had some. :(

  12. National cashew day? Who knew? I do love cashews though, and I always have them on Thanksgiving. I guess I be celebrating a few days late. Have a great Thanksgiving!

  13. Okay, I'm buying the HUGE thing of cashews at Costco today. Thanks for making me aware of this! Whee!

  14. Rest well-earned! :) Good luck getting everything done today and enjoy Thanksgiving!

  15. I can't believe you made it through the slush pile so quickly! Just so not to clog your inbox, I'll say thanks here: Thank you for all your (and Jodi's) hard work!

    I hope you, and every other blog-reader here, has a lovely Thanksgiving. :)

  16. Happy Cashews day, Authoress. (Sounds strange, but it sure makes me want some cashews.)

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

  17. Happy Cashew Day to you, too. And have a wonderful holiday. =o)

  18. Hats off to you, Authoress. Have a very happy Turkey Day!

  19. Yum, I used to eat cashews...but then my gallbladder crapped out on me and I found out it hates cashews. Have a nice break!
