
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Baker's Dozen Agent Auction Survey

The fun continues as editor Stacy Whitman works her way through the entries leaving excellent feedback (have I mentioned she's awesome?).

In the meantime, I'm looking ahead.  As in, should we do this again next year?  Every year?  So I've crafted a wee survey and I would appreciate your feedback.


Your responses will remain anonymous unless you choose to share your name/email.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!  I get fairly geeked over stalking survey results, so this will provide me with something else to click on every ten minutes instead of focusing on my WIP.

I'm at 64K, folks.  If I don't get stuck, I should finish in ten days or fewer.

If. I. Don't. Get. Stuck.


Okay, off to be productive.  Looking forward to your feedback!


  1. I can honestly say it's the best competition I've seen on any of the industry blogs I stalk. And I only just found the site yesterday!

    Very WOWed AuthoressAnon. Please please pretty please host it again next year?


  2. Way to go on the WIP, Authoress. Keep charging! Great job on with the auction. I would call it a resounding success.

  3. Thanks so much again Authoress! I didn't get in and due to drawn out emergencies in life I didn't even get to give feedback, just barely got to glance over the entries, but it was still awesomeness at its best!

    Great work on your WIP! Good luck with finishing it! I'm about a third of the way through my current one... and it's trying to get very long in the tooth on me...

  4. First of all, congratulations on your WIP. You. Will. Not. Get. Stuck!

    The auction went off without a hitch and was a wonderful success. I definitely think that it should be an annual occurrence.

  5. Greetings Authoress,

    Congrats on your WIP! You won't get stuck, don't worry. It will be your Christmas present to yourself!

    I wish you the BEST holiday season and look forward to an exciting new year following your blog!

    Your time and effort is soooooo appreciated!


  6. Good luck with your WIP! And thank you again for doing this. I can't imagine how much work went into it, but we all appreciate it.

    And, survery compelte!

  7. The finish line is within your sight. Keep going. You can do it.

    Again, thanks for doing all you do.

  8. I loved this contest!

    My entry didn't make the cut and it's crazy that I wasn't even upset by that. I was just excited to see what would happen.

    I did some tweaking and ended up getting requests from a couple of the Baker's Dozen agents! It was awesome to see what they bid on from this contest and to see the type of stories that turn their heads.

    Once again, awesome contest! Now I'm off to take the survey :-).

  9. My entry didn't make the cut and after having a brief self-pity party, I reevaluated it and rewrote something that is, I think, much stronger now. So I feel like I won something, anyway.

  10. You are SO BEYOND stuck. 64K!!! The story will almost tell itself now! ;) You've got this in the bag.

  11. Survey complete! I loved this event, had a blast, and definitely think you deserve major kudos for running it properly, professionally and in a way that made it lots of fun.

    Thank you again!

  12. Quit thinking about being stuck- picture your work DONE and you will soon be there. Ommmmmmm.....

    Loved the contest! Admittedly, it was scarier than dancing naked on the front wait, most my neighbors are retired and have poor vision, so dancing on the lawn might be preferable. The public stonings were hard but worth it, as there were suggestions that will only make my work better, so thanks to y'all.

    I say do it again but include your own work- you deserve it!

  13. WTG on almost being done with your WIP. I've been a lurker lately as I was not quite sure what was going on with the Baker's Dozen. Once I figured it out, I must say you are a fairy Godmother to so many writers. I hope you have a blessed holiday season and that Santa brings you something special in your stocking this year...You deserve it!

  14. I took the survey. What would be the purpose of the proposed entry fee?

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