
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dear Authoress

As perfect timing would have it, I received the following email yesterday, on Miss Snark's Victim's third birthday.  The author has graciously given permission for me to post it here in its entirety.  Because the letter is meant for all of you as much as it is meant for me.

Dear Authoress,

I'm a writer currently working on my first draft. (Well, okay, three first drafts but who's counting?) I have a very long way to go and for many, dull, reasons was starting to feel a bit down about the whole process Not that I ever want to stop writing, I just felt 'alone'. I follow a lot of writing blogs and, whilst they all have things to offer and teach, I don't feel qualified to comment on them. After all I'm not a 'real' writer yet (although I've changed that feeling now after reading your post on authors/writers!) So I just lurk quietly and concentrate on trying to get something finished.

Your blog has made me see things differently. People are at all stages - some (at least up to 2009 which is as far as I've got) are no further on than me, others have been published, but they are all equal. I love this and I love the sense of community you have managed to create. I'm reading through your archives and I want to rush through them so I can join in the conversations but I daren't as I'm learning so much on the way I don't want to miss something! I keep wanting to add to the comments then I remember how old the posts are. (Congratulatins on the ebook btw ;-))

It's almost like reading a story. When I get to April 2011 will Disorderly, and Lady Glamis and Merc (to name but a few) still be there or will there be new people who I feel as though I know despite never having exchanged a word? If Merc is still around I want to tell her that I've dragged my MC out of the bed she'd been sleeping in at the start of my WiP :-)

I'm not even sure if there's a point to this mail, I just wanted you to know that your blog has renewed my faith in myself. You've made me - and perhaps many others like me who have never commented - really believe that my words are worth something , even if nobody else ever reads them. For that I thank you and all the people who contribute to your blog.

I try to avoid cliches and cute sayings but I think this sums up how I feel; 'A stranger is a friend you haven't met'. I look forward to meeting you all - just as soon as I get through the archives!

If this sounds rambling or disjointed I apologise but I've been up all night reading :-) There is absolutely no need to feel you have to reply to me, I'm sure you're very busy. I just thought you should know that what you do helps people in ways you don't even know.

With very best wishes,
(Name Withheld)


  1. Awesome! I think we can all say the same thing! We're all learning and will continue to learn! Welcome whoever you are. And you are more than qualified to comment on any blog! We all start somewhere.

  2. Aww! :) Yay!!! That's so awesome, and I know I feel the exact same way about the community here. :)

  3. What a sweet, thoughtful letter. I hope the author is reading this. I want to tell you that your comments are WORTH reading! We all had to start somewhere. I dove right in with no experience at all. That's just my personality, but even though I made so many horrid and stupid mistakes, I learned so much from this kind, caring, supportive, community.

    Just let us in and feel the love....

  4. Wow. Doesn't get any better than that. I'll have to remind myself to stop in as well on those rough days which I've had more of than I care to think about.

  5. I am a lurker and sometimes participator. I agree wholeheartedly with the posted letter. Thanks Authoress for creating this wonderful community full of great people, advice and opportunities.

  6. Happy birthday MSFV! What a great letter. I'm pretty new here, too. I've been lurking and commenting occasionally since probably October or so.

  7. What a lovely letter, I agree completely. The lovely thing about this blog is the support and encouragement both from and for everyone, no matter what stage of the journey we're at.

  8. What a wonderful letter! Would I have started writing for publication without Miss Snark? I don't know? Would I have stuck with it without a blog like this and the great writer community online? I don't know - but I do know that if I did it wouldn't be nearly as much fun. Thanks for continuing to do this!

    Yo, much love n' respect n' undying devotion to this site, for it has utterly TRANSFORMED my life!
    CANDY BUDDAH, Member since 2010, been away but looking to JUMP BACK ON THE SITE!

  10. Thank you, Name Withheld, for that sweet letter and allowing it to be shared. We wish you all the best luck and hope to share shelf space with you someday!

    Happy Birthday, MSFV! You've done so much and you're only THREE! Thanks for being there for us!

  11. August 2010 for me. So I'm rather a newbie still.

  12. Hey, letter writer. I bet you never thought your letter would be in the front page:-)

    That's Authoress for you, touching everyone's heart again...with your help. Um, you do know you're already part of this community, right? So take off your shoes. Relax. You, my friend, will be here a lo-ong while. Hopefully long after you are published.

    Your letter made me smile. Thank you.

  13. What an amazing letter and I agree whole heartedly. Thanks for all that you do!

  14. Wow, great letter - and I agree. This community is a treasure trove.

    Authoress, I can't believe MSFV is only three! It feels so much - I don't know, *older*. More knowledgable, more experienced, more everything. You've done amazing things with this blog and I've learned enormous amounts from it. Thank you :)

  15. I rarely comment but today I had to. This letter could have been written by so many of us. Whenever I feel down about the process this site always makes me feel better. It is a community and I'm so thankful I found it.

    Violet Ingram

  16. Isn't it fascinating how what begins as maybe one comment on some blog, somewhere, can suddenly open the doors to a community. This has always been, from what I have observed, a very safe place to take that first leap. I have been awe struck by that sense of community since my own first comment somewhere only a short time ago. It's liberating, and I would encourage the writer of that beautiful letter to join in many, many comments because you hit the nail on the head with that one, and it was a joy to have our own heart felt thoughts expressed alongside your own. Well done!

  17. I was talking about cyber friends on my blog yesterday. The online writing community is awesome! Wherever we are on our journey there are always those ahead of us offering a hand, and others behind us needing our help. Nowhere else is the 'pay it forward' concept so active and the environment so non-competitive.

  18. That's so sweet! I hope the writer feels she/he is able to contribute soon. She/he is so write (LOL), we're all in this together, and all learning as we go.



  19. Very nice! And I understand how this reader/writer feels. Sometimes you kind of feel alone and disconnected and your comments unworthy. And what you do here, Authoress, is amazingly wonderful! And very selfless. So, thank you from me, too. And to annonymous writer, come talk to me on my blog! I would love to have you! (And find a new friend)

  20. I second that Kathryn, come along to my blog too!
    And when you're ready to have your work shared, I'm always looking for critique partners!!
    My best, Linda

  21. What a wonderful letter. It really puts into words what many of us feel we come to your blog. I still marvel at all time and effort you put in to helping OTHER writers, and I can't think of anyone more deserving of appreciation <3

  22. Aww that's wonderful! Writer is absolutely right. We all have to start somewhere. Pubbed authors are just writers who kept trying. And they all had their first 1st drafts.

    Happy belated blog bday, Authoress! Here's to many many more wonderful years : )

  23. Hi all,

    I wrote that letter after a night of reading MSFV archives. When authoress asked if she could share, I was happy to but then I worried that people might not 'get it', that they might think I was some sort of 'writer wannabe'.

    It's official. I'm an over-thinking idiot at times. The fact that you would all 'get it' is the very reason I wrote it. All I did was sum up how we all feel about this blog, whether we've been here 3 days or 3 years.

    Happy birthday MSFV, and thank you all for making me feel so welcome. I look forward to checking out all your blogs and becoming a part of this wonderful communtity.

  24. *hugs* i think we're all over-thinking idiots at one point or another. but we're all glad that you wrote such a sweet letter. i personally get how you feel. it's scary no matter what stage you're in.

    it's a pleasure to meet you, Sarah. i hope you'll keep commenting :)

  25. I'm covered in chills! That letter is beautiful, heartfelt and something to be oh, so proud of!! I totally agree with every word!

  26. What a sweet letter! This really touched my heart. By the way, dear author who wrote the letter, I'm Lady Glamis and have since changed my moniker to my author name. I don't comment much here anymore, but I do visit. It has been such a wonderful journey to watch this blog grow into something large and wonderful and extremely helpful to so many!

  27. What a lovely letter and I know exactly how the author of it feels and agree - well said :)

  28. Sarah, that's such a lovely letter. I haven't been here long, but I have jumped in and started commenting. There is a great sense of community here and your letter sums it up perfectly.

  29. Such a clear, eloquent letter. DAMN! I should have been the one to write it. (I kid.) (But wish I had.)

  30. I remember going through the archives back when I first found this wonderful site. So much knowledge and support to be found, and I don't doubt the next three years will be just as lovely. Happy Birthday, MSFV!
