
Monday, April 4, 2011


Three years ago today, I wrote the very first blog post here: AND SO WE BEGIN.

(Rather pithy, that.)

I never dreamed this place would become what it has.  From a very first Are You Hooked? round with 16 participants and no agent to a track record of 8 agent signings and counting, I'd say we've come a long way!

So it's time for a BIRTHDAY ROLL CALL.  Are you one of the Originals?  Brand new? Somewhere in the middle? Shout out in the comment box! Let's see how many of you will show up before the end of the day.



  1. Happy 3rd!

    I'm "Somewhere in the middle".
    Here's to many more birthdays to come!

    All the best,

  2. Happy B-Day MSFV!! (I'm somewhere in the middle, too.)

  3. Happy Birthday to this awesome blog, I'm somewhere in the middle as well =)

  4. O Happy Day!

    *throws confetti*

    I'm a 2010 follower.

    Love you, Authoress!

  5. Happy birthday, dear blog. I'm a newish person (I can't remember if I signed on at the end of last year or the beginning of this one.

  6. Happy Birthday! I'm another one in the middle. I followed sometime last year. Congrats, and thanks for all you do!

  7. Happy birthday blog'o'awesomeness! I'm a relative newbie, only found this in February!

  8. Happy Birthday! I'm new within the last 3-4 months.

  9. I first found MSFV around the end of last summer, so I think that puts me somewhere in the middle, and I started commenting/participating around November 2010.

    Happy 3rd birthday! <3

  10. Happy Birthday! I'm a fairly new lurker (and hoping to do more than lurk in the future) but I wanted to say thanks for all you do, and here's to many more :)

  11. Happy Birthday, MSFV! I've been here for 2 years I think? I love the resources available to aspiring writers through this blog. I've gained some feedback here myself that has proved to be invaluable. Thanks, Authoress, for making this a great place for writers (and agents alike) to hang!

  12. Happy Birthday!

    I found you through Twitter about a year ago. Thank you for all that you do and congrats to the eight fabulous writers who've signed through your site.

  13. Happy birthday! I guess I'm fairly new.... I think I signed up sometime mid 2010.

    I'm so thrilled to be a part of this community. It's an awesome learning space and so supportive.

  14. Somewhere in the middle and blessed and grateful to be one of your 'success stories' :) Here's to many more!!

  15. Time is too difficult to nail down. Was it '09 or '10, when I arrived? Either way, I've enjoyed (mostly lurking) on the blog!

  16. I guess I'm a middler/lurker, too. Happy Birthday to a wonderful, unique, and helpful blog!

  17. I'll call myself newish. I lurked for several months and finally started to post this year. Happy Birthday, MSFV!

  18. Happy Birthday to you! I first visited this amazing blog last summer...and I've been hooked ever since. :)

  19. I'm a middle child too. Happy, Happy Birthday!

  20. New in the last year. Happy Birthday! Here's to many more!

  21. Happy Birthday! I stumbled across MSFV a few months back, maybe in the fall. But I've yet to dive in so I'm definitely still a newbie. But I must say that all you've accomplished with your community has inspired me to get off my butt and get writing. And I even started my own blog just a few days ago in an effort to get somewhere with my writing. Is it cheesy that I hope to have a completed manuscript soon just so I can share it with the MSFV community? :) Congrats and best wishes for many more years to come!

  22. I found you last August and have been addicted ever since! I'm so happy you've stuck around for three years and hope you continue the awesomeness--though you may have to find a protégé to train when you become an uber-famous author!!! You'll be too busy signing autographed copies of your latest best-seller to run MSFV.

    Happy, happy birthday MSFV~ you deserve the biggest damn piece of cake you can find :)

  23. I've been around about a year now. This is one of only two places I trust in enough to post my work for critique/review. I really appreciate the community you've built up here. (And, you do build us up.) :-)

  24. I found you exactly a year ago, when I entered a secret agent contest. It's been a fun writing journey!

    Happy birthday, MSFV!

  25. Happy Birthday!

    I found you a year ago almost exactly, when I entered the April SA

  26. I found you two years ago, and I've never participated except for commenting a couple times on the critique rounds--I guess I'm somewhere in the middle. But even without entering anything, your blog has been so helpful to me! I'm glad you started this three years ago!

    Happy Birthday, MSFV!

  27. Happy birthday, MSFV! I wandered over here after Kristin Nelson announced she'd been the Secret Agent on your blog that month (which, according to the Hall of Fame, means I've been around since February 2009), and I've hung around ever since.

    Are you counting yourself in that agent-signing list? :)

  28. No, I'm not, Krista, because technically my signing wasn't a result of a contest or anything on here. I just happened to have met Josh when he was a Secret Agent. So it would kind of stretching it to include myself. :)

  29. Happy birthday, dear blog! You've been immensely helpful for so many in just three short years.

    I'm a newish follower and joined you last fall. I was then lucky enough to make your Bakers Dozen competition. It was a great experience!

  30. I was fortunate enough to have come across you early last year and look forward to waking up with you during the week. Happy birthday!

    - I hope my girlfriend doesn't read this and think I'm cheating on her. I just read it back and it sounded a little weird. I should probably get going...

  31. Happy Birthday.
    I'm a 2011 follower (newbie).

  32. Happy blog birthday! I lobbed in after Kristin Nelson mentioned on her blog she had been a Secret Agent over here. I lurked for a while, then commented under a different name, but I've always enjoyed the blog and your amazing attitude!

  33. Happy Birthday!!! :D I started reading/participating just over a year ago, and I can't possibly express how much this blog has helped me. Here's to you, Authoress! And many more blog birthdays to come!

  34. The whole secret thing really worked! An intriguing, and clever, place to start from, and to then link it up with the secret agent stuff, well it's all so very secret. You were bound to have success with it! So happy birthday from a fairly recent lucky stumbler!

  35. Wow, has it been 3 years? Happy blog birthday!

    I've been following since pretty much the beginning, and it's been fabulous how far it's come. :D

    Here's to many, many more years! *drink*

  36. OMG, I had NO idea! And the only blank card I have in the house says, "Congratulations on your appendectomy." Oh well. *sends it*

  37. Merc, ma babe! SO glad you've stopped by--you're one of the ORIGINAL ORIGINALS!!!!!

  38. 3 years is awesome - congrats!! I've been in the bloggyverse for about a year and a half so not one of the first!

  39. Happy birthday MSFV!! I'm not one of the originals, but I've been following(well, lurking on)this blog since before I started mine... wow, have I really been following this blog since before its first birthday?!

    *cries* They grow up so fast!

  40. Congratulations! I started following this blog when you kept me up all night following your Baker's Dozen auction on Twitter. And it was worth the inevitable sleep hangover!

    Here's to another three years :-)

  41. Happy blog birthday. I've been following your blog for something over a year now.

  42. Happy 3rd birthday! I've been here for about a year. :)

  43. Happy Blog Birthday! I've been here since late Jan/early Feb 2009. =) To another three years!

  44. Happy Birthday, Blog and Thanks, Authoress!

    I'm an early middle :-)

  45. Newish?
    Happy birthday MSFV blog. We love you!! =)

  46. I started following you from very close to the start, so I'm original or almost original. Happy birthday!

  47. Happy blog birthday! I'm in the middle. I think it was Fall 2008 when I first found the blog. I've learned a lot.

    /hands over a bag of cashews


  48. I guess I'm in the middle, though I don't remember where I came in. One of these days, I figure the stars will align for me to enter a Secret Agent contest with an appropriate-genre, completed manuscript that I can actually submit before the ticket is full.

  49. Happy Blogoversary! I'm in the middle (I think it was the end of '09?) and still loving your blog! :)

  50. WOOT! Happy Birthday MSFV! I'm a somewhere-in-betweener. Loved this blog from the moment I found it. Just waiting till my MS is polished so I can enter one of the Secret Agents.

  51. I'm new. I've been here a couple of months. Happy Birthday. It's a great blog and you do so much for writers.

  52. Long time lurker, first time poster in the February Secret Agent comp :)

  53. Happy Blog Birthday!!! You rock!!!

    I started following last year but I SO wish I'd found your blog sooner :)

  54. Happy Birthday! Wow, you've accomplished so much in only 3 years. I've been around for about 2 and I've learned a LOT. Your archives are a fantastic resource for agent-seekers. Thanks, Authoress, for taking us along on your incredible journey.

  55. Happy happy blog-birth-day!! :) I've been lurking at least 2+ years, but only recently making a comment or two. Truly do enjoy the blog! Here's hoping to many more years to come!

  56. AmyP here. I just started visiting your blog last week and already love, love, love it! Happy Blog Birthday. Hope this year brings lots more of the same great advice. The secret agent posts are soo informative-life changing in terms of learning to revise the right way. Thanks to you for dedicating yourself to helping the rest of us!

  57. Happy Birthday! I've been reading for over a year now, and I'm always impressed with the quality of the critiques this community provides :-)


  58. Mostly a lurker but I've been reading for about a year now. Happy Blog Birthday!

  59. I've been reading for the past several months -- still trying to make my way through the archives. Your blog is such a great, positive place to visit. Many thanks, and Happy Blog Birthday!

  60. Happy Birthday to the blog!!

  61. Happy Birthday MSFV! I've been here from the beginning and was one of the co-winners of your first secret agent contest. I've benefited from the insightful comments of your followers and, of course, your heartfelt posts about your own journey. Thanks so much for creating such an inspiring, supportive community!

    p.s. My own publishing dreams finally reached a major milestone this week.

  62. Happy Blog-o-versary, MSFV!!!
    Thanks for everything you do - what an invaluable resource for all of us.

    I'm somewhere in the early middle and have enjoyed all of your posts, contests and comments for a couple of years now - keep up the great work!

  63. Whoohoo! Happy Birthday!

    I've been a lurker since Fall 2010.
    to all!

  64. Happy Blogiversary! I'm somewhere in the middle. This is such a wonderful resource for writers!

  65. I'm still here too.

    A relative newcomer, me.

    Happy birthday MSFV.

  66. Happy Birthday to a very special blog. The first contest I ever entered was here; Are you hooked. I have learned so much from this blog and the people who visit with their comments. Thank you. ;-)

  67. Your blog and I share a birthday :) I've been following since around May 2009.

  68. Happy Birthday! I was among one of your earliest readers, mostly lurking and learning. (Did I say 'was'? I'm still lurking and learning.) I began my own blog in 2008, too, so will soon be celebrating my own third birthday.

  69. Hmm... that doesn't sound right. How about "... will soon be celebrating its third birthday." :)

  70. Happy Birthday, Authoress. Been following since last year. Thank you for all your work and your enthusiasm!
    On my first venture into your contest last year, I won second prize and connected up with the gorgeous Danielle Chiotti, agent from the Upstart Crow Literary Agency. She not only read my ms but offered a wonderful two page letter of structural help and advice - which of course, I'm in the process of doing. I want to get it right! So, thank you, Authoress for this wonderful opportunity. Maybe your successes breed like summer fleas on a dog's back! :)

  71. I've been around for about a year. Thanks for all you do!

  72. I'm so new that I discovered this blog a day after this was posted. ^_^

  73. Happy Third Birthday, Authoress.
    I started reading about two years ago and found this to be the single most valuable site for an aspiring writer.
    Your blog gives me hope - and has taught me much.

    Many Happy Returns.

  74. Happy Birthday! I'm somewhere in the middle. Lurker for awhile, but only started posting recently. :)

  75. I've been lurking around for a couple months.Thanks for encouraging me to "come out" !!! I love this blog. I love what you are doing for the unpublished masses. Many, many happy birthday wishes to your blog and may there by many, many more.

  76. Happy Birthday! I've been with this site through most of my journey, from unagented, to agented, and now on my way to seeing my first book in print. I wish you the best, Authoress!
