
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Another (Late) Success Story

You'd think I was, yanno, dropping the ball on these success stories or something.  At any rate, here's another (late) happy story for you (and proof that reading the blog without necessarily entering a contest can have a positive effect!).  The more we continue to celebrate each other, the more encouraged we'll be!

Kathleen Peacock's Story:

I've never actually entered the secret agent contests (I've always really wanted to, though) but I always drop in and check out what's happening. I especially like the reveals. When Emmanuelle Morgen was revealed as September's secret agent, I actually hadn't heard of her. I was just starting to work on my query list and hadn't had a chance to research too much. But based on the write up, I moved her to the top of my query list--especially since she said she was hankering for some werewolves (which I had).

I signed with her [in April] and I adore her. I can't imagine an agent being a better match for me.

So thank you so much! Secret Agent is of immense value even the armchair players who watch from the safety of the sidelines.


  1. Congratulations Kathleen. I'm an armchair player like you were, and your story makes me feel all warm and fuzzy :)

  2. Congratulations!! She gave me great comments once and seems like she'd be wonderful to work with. :)

  3. Kathleen, congratulations to you! I admire of you and just wanted to welcome you at services!

  4. That’s quite a success story. And unlike most think, success stories can be short and still impactful. Here is my success story – I wasn’t very good in finance and yet through consistent effort and hard work, I managed to score an A-grade in my Finance Dissertation. So yeah, success stories can be short. Anyway, I am glad to hear about your success with the secret agent.

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