
Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Fricassee

Hooray for Friday!

First happy thing:  I've finished my re-re-plot.  (Yeah. One of those. Thanks to the enthusiastic brainstorming of my agent and the effective brain-plunging of Jodi Meadows, I've made it through.)

Second happy thing:  Mr. A and I have a weekend get-away planned.  Because tomorrow is our anniversary.  And we're schmoopy like that.

First bad thing: Since I've worked out my plot, I totally want to write this weekend. Which doesn't exactly gel with a romantic get-away.

(Oh, dear.)

Maybe he'll let me write by candlelight while he rubs my feet?

Okay, that was pretty delusional.

Anyway, my goal today is high productivity, so I can leave in the morning without feeling like I'm slacking.  (Why is it so hard to let go and just relax?)

So that's that. I know you all understand the struggle to balance work and life.  Here's to a lovely, balanced weekend for all of us!


  1. Oooh, I can't wait until it's published so I can read the new and sparkly plot! *impatient*

    Have fun on your weekend. :)

  2. Congrats! And happy anniversary. I know. It's hard when you're itching to get started on a new project. Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. Have a lovely weekend and happy anniversary!

  4. Happy anniversary! Have a great weekend. :)

  5. Happy Anniversary! I hope you have an awesome weekend and the candlelight footrub. =o)

  6. I think I figured out my re-re-plot too! YAY and Happy Anniversary to you!
