
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Logline Critique, Round 1

The submission window will be open from 9 am to 5 pm EDT today.  This is a lottery, which means the bot will randomly choose 40 entries at the close of the window.  These entries will post tomorrow morning for critique.


As always, send your submission to authoress.submissions(at)  Format as follows:

SCREEN NAME: (type it here)
TITLE: (type it here)
GENRE: (type it here)

(type your 150-word logline here)


GO HERE. Follow the instructions on the web form.

That's it! Post your questions below.


  1. I love it too, it's so much easier. I know a lot of hard work went into creating it, thank you;-)

  2. Yay! I love it, too. :) I'll make sure Michael sees these comments!

  3. Yeah, I gotta give props to Michael too. This is the second time I've used the web form. And as a programmer and lover of good UI design, I gotta say it's pretty tight.

  4. Love the web form and the lottery idea - fantastic job to everyone involved ^_^

  5. Just trying to figure out how to get a screen name. I don't have a google account.

  6. You don't need a Google account. Your screen name is the name you use when you leave comments. Looks like "martintj" is yours. :)

  7. So his name's Michael?

    My Secret Agent entry back in February got rejected at least seven times before it went through. This went through like a dream.

    I think I'm in love.

  8. LOL Yes, Michael. His wife is expecting their 3rd child any day. Thank goodness things are running smoothly, yes? :)

  9. LOVE the form! Painless and friendly and wonderful :). Thanks to Michael and to the Authoress for setting up yet another very cool event :).

  10. Oh dear- I realized I used my old comment login name on the form instead of my real name which I now use(like you see here ;))- does it matter?

  11. Thank you Michael. Sometimes the things that look easy are the hardest to do.

  12. The form was super easy. Can't wait until tomorrow!

  13. I don't understand how this one works.

    Are the best loglines going to lead to a request for manuscripts from agents?

  14. Just checking--is it a 50-word or a 150-word logline? this one says 150--but that's pretty long!

  15. Heather -- The shorter, the better. I set the word count higher for this round because I knew some people would have too-long loglines that critique would hopefully help them pare down. The word count for the actual baker's dozen will be set at 100, but fewer is definitely better!

  16. ACK! Totally forgot about this. I know you're having a few more - a week from now, right? *scrolling madly thru archive*

  17. @EmilyR: yay!

    @Ruth: his name is Robert Paulson. His name is Robert Paulson...

    @Cat: Dear Lord are they ever! Could you come have a talk with my boss?

  18. @Michael Wulf If you think it'd help to have a German point out something obvious... ;-)

    And I like the name Robert Paulson. Congrats. When I grew up, you were still considered anti-social with more than 2 kids (we were four).

  19. Well good luck Robert Paulson :) That's my fourth you see in my avatar there :D

  20. I love the web form. It's pure awesomeness and Michael is a genius!

  21. Love the submission form so kudos! Question - how many submissions were there? Just would like to know the odds of a sub being randomly selected. Before, if you were really diligent and motivated, you could get in no prob but now I'm wondering how much luck even the most motivated will have at getting selected. Someone who has just thrown something together will have as much luck as someone who has worked really hard to prepare and polish and read the directions...

  22. Azimuth -- There were only 77 submissions this time around. And, all things considered, the lottery is the best way to make submissions fair worldwide, since we've got regular readers on the other side of the globe, vast time zones apart. :)

  23. That makes me feel *much* better about odds! I had visions of hundreds of entries. :) So we had better than a one in two chance of winning the lottery. I'd say it's def worth entering!
