
Thursday, December 8, 2011

And for the rest of you...

Here's the schedule for the host blog critiques for all remaining entrants.  Please note that the actual dates will be announced prior to each critique session, along with specific submission instructions from each blog host.  Entrants are divided up by the original entry numbers you received when you entered the contest.

Please do not email me to ask when your turn will come or how to submit.  Everything will be announced here, on the blog (and I won't have the information until a week before each round, since that's how I've set it up with our host bloggers).


Week of Jan 2:  Melodie Wright at (adult #1-28)
                          Lauren Fobbs at (adult #29-56)
Week of Jan 9:  Ian Hiatt at (adult #57-84)
                          Alicia Gregoire at (adult #85-111)
Week of Jan 16: Leigh Ann Kopans at (YA/MG #1-33)
                          Sarah Pearson at  (YA/MG #34-66)
Week of Jan 30: Tami Moore at  (YA/MG #67-99)
                           PJ Schnyder at  (YA/MG #100-132)
Week of Feb 6:  Justin W. Parente at  (YA/MG #133-165)
                          Michael Broadway at (YA/MG #166-198)

Each pair of blog hosts is going to coordinate their efforts so that their dates line up.  There will be no baker's dozen critiques during Secret Agent contest weeks, so we don't dilute our critiquing army.

Remember that the details for each week of critique will be posted ONE WEEK PRIOR.  So make note of the dates and keep an eye on the blog.

And yes, you may absolutely revise your entry prior to submitting it for critique to your host blog.

Any more questions?  Ask below!  And a HUGE THANK-YOU to our ten generous blog hosts!


  1. Yesssssssssssssssss

    *pumps fists*

    Come on over, y'all! (Or YA/MG #1-33. You know.)

    *plans a party with cookies, cocoa, and warm blankets*

    Can't wait to see you!

  2. YAY!!! Can't wait!! Thank you so much Authoress, for setting this amazing site up!

    (N' P.S.: Leigh Ann, I am YA #17, so I will plan to bring some cookies n' cocoa for all to the party!) ㋡

  3. Thank you for all the time you put into this, Authoress!

  4. If we want to revise our entry prior to the critiques, do we just send you an email? Should we do that now, or wait until the details are posted for our round of critiques?

    Thank you so much for the opportunity! :)

  5. Rachel -- You don't have to send me anything. Once the details are posted for your week, you just follow the instructions and send your stuff. Entries are going straight to the host blogs, not to me.

  6. The empressawesome blog link doesn't work for me...anyone else try it yet?

  7. Thank you, Heather -- I've fixed the link!

  8. No prob, just typed the address in and it came up fine.

  9. I'm looking forward to the experience, even though I'm also scared. "Nothing ventured, nothing gaine," right?
    I trust this environment of fellow writers - kind and honest.
    Thanks, Authoress, for a great resource and haven.

  10. Tried clicking on each of these blogs... relicsofprovidence was a 404, not found. cornelidevile gave me the message that the blog doesn't exist. Seriously?

  11. Ok, really dumb question here. I forgot my number. November was a bit of a wild month- so I'm not surprised. Is there anyway to find out?

    Thanks! And thanks for doing this everyone :)

  12. Yep! Send me the email address you used to enter, and I'll find you in my data base (also let me know whether it's adult or YA/MG).

  13. This is a great idea, and so sweet of the bloggers to do this.

    But yay, I don't have to participate. I just started querying and the requests are already rolling in. That definitely makes up for not making it into the auction. :D

  14. !!!

    Okay, officially, I'm excited again. Especially because of the line "you may absolutely revise your entry." Because I already did that, and I'm dying for more feedback on the new piece.

    Whee!! Thank you everyone that is making this possible!
