
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Baker's Dozen Winning Bids

Out of yesterday's heady rush comes a satisfying list of 18 full and 21 partial winners.  Here they are:

2 Wicked Spirits: Josh Getzler, full
3 The Secret History: Josh Getzler, full
6 The Black Letter: Josh Getzler, full
7 Death By High Heels: Josh Getzler, 25 pages
8 Pomegranate Seeds:  Josh Getzler, 15 pages
10 The Actor's Daughter:  Josh Getzler, 50 pages
12 A Flick of the Switch: Weronika Janczuk, 5 pages
14 Dying Is Not an Option: Josh Getzler, 25 pages
18 Shovelface: Josh Getzler, 10 pages
20 Pro Bono: Weronika Janczuk, 5 pages
21 Shadow Runner: Josh Getzler, 50 pages
22 Girl Under Glass: Sarah LaPolla, 20 pages
24 Murder on Music Row: Josh Getzler, 40 pages
27 For One Hundred Swords: Laura Bradford, 35 pages
30 Hannah's Half: Victoria Marini, full
31 Clear Cut: Ammi-Joan Paquette, 55 pages
32 Ghost Light: Melissa Jeglinski, full
33 The Travelers: Tamar Rydzinski, full
34 Time Bound: Melissa Jeglinski, 20 pages
36 Cracked: Victoria Marini, full
37 The Defenders: Victoria Marini, 25 pages
38 The Secret Hum of a Daisy: Tamar Rydzinski, full
39 Cryptogram Chaos: Ammi-Joan Paquette, full
40 Lament the Blade: Tamar Rydzinski, 25 pages
41 My Sister's Reaper: Kari Stuart, 100 pages
42 Gladys Gatsby Takes the Cake: Kari Stuart, full
43 Glub: Weronika Janczuk, full
45 The Black City: Sarah LaPolla, full
46 Chasing the Taillights: Laura Bradford, 70 pages
47 All She Needs Is Love:  Lauren MacLeod, 75 pages
48 Anomaly: Lauren MacLeod, full
49 Folktale: Sarah LaPolla, 20 pages
52 Shakespeare on the Lam: Victoria Marini, full
53 Opposition: Ammi-Joan Paquette, full
54 Grim: Melissa Jeglinski, 50 pages
56 The Stars Fell Sideways: Lauren MacLeod, full
57 The Decretum: Danielle Chiotti, 110 pages
58 The Iron-Bound Fae: Tamar Rydzinski, full
59 Loop: Sarah LaPolla, full

CONGRATULATIONS to all agents and authors!

Winners:  Please email me at facelesswords(at) for specific submission instructions.  In order to streamline this process, PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING:  Your post number, title, and the agent's name and request.  Your material will be granted to the winning agents on a ONE WEEK EXCLUSIVE.

Here's why:  Once the week has expired, other agents who placed bids--but didn't win--will have the opportunity to email me to request material from the auction.  SO SIT TIGHT.  I'll be contacting you if you've got more requests.

This is the part where I feel as if I'm handing out Christmas presents!  Except, they're not presents.  They're hard-earned.

Whew!  Page views peaked over 10 grand yesterday, and I even got a couple "is it too late to enter your auction?" requests from folks who had just discovered the blog because of all the Twitter brouhaha.  Fun stuff!

And now it's denouement time.  Deep breathing and all that.  May I just say -- YOU'RE ALL WONDERFUL!

Thanks for a brilliant auction.  Guess we might do it again next year...


  1. *hyperventilates*


    *hugs you through the screen*

    This is all eight of my Chanukah presents rolled into one.

    THANK YOU for all the magic you make, all year round.

  2. No bids for me, but I learned alot. Thanks for allowing me to participate and congrats to those who received bids.

  3. Congratulations to everyone that received bids!! I was a creeper yesterday and congratulated a few people on twitter. There's some GREAT work out there that I have been waiting for people to discover (so they can get published and I can read the finish piece already!!)

    Best of luck to everyone :)

    And Authoress - thank YOU for the opportunity. Even though I wasn't selected, this was so much fun to witness, read, experience from the outside. I personally learned a lot!

  4. I couldn't look away! Congrats to all concerned. A brilliant outcome :)

  5. No bids here either, but thanks again to Authoress, Jodi, and everyone involved in making this happen. It was worth a shot. Congrats to those who got bids and good luck.

  6. WOW!! I was so thrilled to see the number of full requests and bidding wars that took place. Congrats to all who received bids, and those who provided valuable crits.

    Authoress, editors, agents and authors--mucho thanks for the valuable opportunity. It means a lot to all of us toiling at our craft and wanting to get it right.

    Chocolates for everyone!

  7. Authoress, for those of us who won partials or fulls, can we still query the other agents in the contest with this work in the future or can we assume this means a no from them?

  8. It was great fun watching it all go down yesterday. Congrats to all the winners! Thanks to Authoress for another exciting contest! <3

  9. Congrats to all the winners! And thanks to everyone for their awesome comments. I really gleaned a lot from this and I know where to take my story now! This was an excellent opportunity, and good luck with your submissions, everyone!! :)

    Authoress, will you be leaving the entries/comments up so we can refer back to people's suggestions?

  10. Congrats to EVERYONE on a fantastic auction!!

  11. Congratulations to all! This was so cool to witness! Can't wait till next year:) CHEERS, everyone!

  12. Holy cow! That's a lot of full requests! Congrats everyone and good luck!

  13. Congratulations to everyone who participated in this awesome event.

  14. I can't wait to read about all the success stories that come out of this!

  15. Wow. This was an amazing experience. Thanks to anyone that read my post and took the time to give me feedback. I've already made some much-needed changes. *hugs to all*

    Authoress & Jodi, this was a fantastic experience. Getting the full request was unexpected and has me humbled.

    Good luck to everyone who had requests and to everyone involved. There are extraordinary writers here!!

    Thanks again ;o)

  16. This was truly an awesome experience. Thank you, Authoress and Jodi and all the agents (and authors and editors) for all the hard work and time put into this. I had a blast and learned so much.

    Congrats to all involved, and good luck to everyone with all their writing endeavors! I feel privileged to have been included in such a talented bunch!

  17. Wow! What fun to watch! Authoress, you're not keeping Josh busy enough...he was very active!! : )
    Loads of fun!

  18. Ah well, considering what the agent’s represent ... getting a bid was a long shot.
    Had fun though. And I was able to tighten my story a little more thanks to other people’s fresher eyes. Will be looking forward to seeing what transpires in the future.

  19. Thanks to all who commented on my work to and Authoress and Jodi for your dedication and generosity. Good luck to everyone. Whether you got bids or not, you're brave and brilliant.

  20. I accounted for 1K of those page views; my refresh button is burned out. Frankly, I'm amazed i didn't singlehandedly cause the site to crash.

    Seriously, I can't say thank you enough to Authoress and to all those involved in this auction. And thanks to all who took the time to critique. I saw so many valuable and constructive comments on so many of the entries.

    This is a great community of writers.

  21. Congratulations to everyone who participated. It's interesting that it was an almost even split between fulls, partials and no bids.

    To those who didn't receive bids, just remember that you made it through to the auction in the first place, and use the feedback to further sharpen your piece and get querying again. I was in an Secret Agent contest earlier in the year and didn't win or place, but I used the feedback to improve my page and queried the participating agent. She requested a full straight from the query and although she ended up passing, it sounded like it was a close thing. The lesson is, an improved first page backed up with a solid query can pique an agent's interest even if they have already seen and not bid on the first page. Good luck!

  22. Thank you, Authoress and Jodi (and all the agents/authors involved). And a huge thank you to everyone who read & commented on my entry on during the contest.

    Good luck to everyone who had requests (and to all the entrants). I was honoured to be alongside you all :)

  23. That was a lot of fun to watch. Congrats to all the winners! Looking forward to the success stories that come out of this.

  24. Congrats everyone! It was fun just to watch from the sidelines, even though I wasn't selected for the auction. Great job, beautifully executed.

  25. Authoress and Jodi,

    Thanks so much for providing this opportunity to so many.

    I didn't get any bids,but it was fun, exciting, and helpful!

    @Bron - thanks for sharing your experience and encouragement!

  26. Thank you for this awesome opportunity. I was honored just to be included in the auction, and was bowled over when I started getting bids. What an exciting day!
    Congrats to everyone!

  27. Congratulations to everyone!

    And, for those of you who didn't get any bids: don't worry. I'm currently talking myself out of holding off on sending it; I want to put the critiques to use as much as I want an agent to see it. You don't have to make that choice yet. Use your critiques and make things even better!

    We'll all get there someday.

  28. I haven't attempted an entry into these contests yet, but I think they're the best things going for writers. Not only for those who get requests out of it, but for those of us who get to read and learn. Thank you so much for doing this! And a huge congrats to all the lucky winners :)

  29. I didn't submit this time but I learned sooo much. Thank you so much for hosting such a spectacular event.

  30. I'm late to the party but congratulations to all involved. Off to read the entries :-)
