
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Drop the Needle: ACTION SCENES ROUND 1

It's "Round One" because the submissions filled up in 1 minute yesterday.  So I'd like to offer another round after next week's Secret Agent Contest to give the rest of you a chance.


Anyway, today's 25 entries will begin posting at noon EDT.  In an ongoing effort to offer information to the newbies, here ya go:

  • Please use a screen name when you leave your critique.  I have this blog set up to accept comments from EVERYONE, so there is no need to "sign in" or have a Blogger account or use Open ID or anything.  (Heck, I've even turned off the word verification.  I'm getting more spam as result, but Blogger has been really good about taking care of that for me.)  So "Anonymous" isn't neessary.
  • Please be honest with tact.  (Something this community is known for doing well!)
  • Entry authors:  Please critique a minimum of 5 other entries as your way of "giving back."  Also, please hold back from commenting on the comments of your own work.  For 2 reasons:  1) It comes off as justification.  And if you have to explain what your writing means, then your writing isn't doing its job.  2) Most people won't come back to the same entry to read the comments, anyway.
Okay, have fun!  Nothing like a nice mixture of action scenes for diving into.  Thanks, all!


  1. You're wonderful. I absolutely forgot about it last night. Despite reminding myself all day. :(

  2. I missed it by four minutes. Wow...this is awesome. =)
