
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

August First Line Grabber Round One Winners

Wow, talk about clunky blog titles!

So, a lot of you expressed concern at the amount of work involved in counting YESES and NOS, and even made some cool and thoughtful suggestions as to how I might make things easier on myself.

You're awesome.

But really, it's not so bad; I was just grumbling a bit.  And while inserting polls certainly sounds like it would make things easier, it's actually not possible, because I use the automated bot for submissions.  It would mean having to insert each poll individually after the bot posted the entries, and...well, you can see that that would ultimately be MORE work.

I always appreciate the way you brainstorm on my behalf, though.  I promise; counting the votes didn't kill me.

And without further ado, here are the results (of which there are 16 instead of 15, because of a tie in the 15th position):


Congratulations, winners!  Please submit your FIRST THREE SENTENCES, using the web form, between NOON EASTERN today and NOON EASTERN on Thursday.  Questions?  Email me or ask below.


  1. Congrats to the 16. I look forward to reading the next two sentences.

  2. I'm new to your blog--where can I find the web form? Thanks! :)

  3. I'm new to your blog--where can I find the web form? Thanks! :)

  4. Several of the people who commented on my entry suggested a very smart, two-word change to my first sentence. Am I allowed to use that change in the first three sentences?

  5. Same question as thankful to all of the constructive criticism and am wondering if we are able to tweak things or not?

  6. When will them form open? It says there are no available contests for me.


  7. Thank you all for your comments! Very helpful and enlightening, and I am scared/excited about the next round of critiquing. I would like to give SUSIE the Comic Nerd Award of Excellence for catching my mistake, which I caught the minute I hit send: “Aquaman” is indeed one word. D’Oh!

    I got my superhero spelling down now:

    Aquaman, Batman, Batgirl, Sandman, Catwoman-- one word.

    Spider-Man-- hyphenated.

    Wonder Woman, Iron Man, Powerpuff Girls, Scooby Doo-- two words.

    Aqua Velva Man-- three words.

    (While the AVM isn’t technically a superhero, I seem to remember the smell of that stuff could knock the paint off a barn from 300 yards away. To me, that’s a super power!)

    Thanks everyone!

  8. Anon- I went to the August Secret Agent post to find the link. But it said nothing is open right now, so I don't know if that was the right place or not?

  9. I want to say this contest has been all kinds of fun and is one of my faves! The controversial ones have been especially interesting. Use the words God, Faith or Penis, and people tend to interject their own personal feelings about the subject, although in context, the sentence may mean something entirely different. It's like a Rorschach test with words.

    Take #30, for instance (head slammed into fridge). I took my own experiences with our poorly-designed-I-can't-wait-to-remodel kitchen, which has caused many bruises and bad words in my morning zombie-state, and assumed that's what the writer was aiming for. Yet the majority of readers thought it had to do with abuse. That never even entered my (bruised)head! I also like how we girls just assume the MC's are girls. I suppose that's normal. But I do worry about those of us who were thinking "hot convict body guard". Oh yeah, bring on the bad boys!

    Congrats to those who made the cut and looking forward to the next round of fun!

  10. The web form is open now at

  11. Is this contest only open to people who submitted their first line in the previous contest?

  12. Go ahead and submit your tweaked sentences.

    Anon-- This contest is only for the winners of the first round, yes.
