
Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday Fricassee

Happy Friday!

It's always fascinating to watch the blog traffic explode during contests like the First Line Grabber.  It occurred to me, halfway through Wednesday, that I was going to have to count up all the YESES and NOS.  Somehow that part had escaped me.

No worries.  The vast majority of you actually follow directions, so scrolling down and counting the YESES and NOS won't be too bad.  Of course, there are always the ones that throw me off.  Things like (and I'm making these up off the top of my head, I swear):

It was going to be YES, but then it turned into a NO.

Almost a NO, but then the last line grabbed me and made it into a YES.

YES and NO, though more of a NO than a YES.

YES, YES, YES!  Until the end, and now it's definitely NO.

(This is why I can't use a word search to count the answers.)

Anyway, I'll announce the 15 winners on Tuesday.

Also up next week:
  • Our Secret Agent Contest (all adult -- fancy that!)
  • My wedding anniversary (yay!)
  • Announcement of our Guest Author, who will be critiquing during First Line Grabber Round 2
I've been all sorts of organized this month, putting blog post reminders in my calendar and whatnot.  Kind of like basic training for the Baker's Dozen, which will be here before you know it.  (Wow!  Can it really be THAT time already?)  So...are you going to enter the Baker's Dozen this year?  

Don't procrastinate--start working on your logline now!  (Easy for me to say, since I won't be writing one myself.)  (Yes, I suck at loglines.)

Oh, and in case you're following along:  Here's the full MSFV Success Story Blog Hop schedule:

Aug. 1:  David Kazzie               

Aug 2:  Leigh Talbert

Aug 3:  J.Anderson Coats

Aug 4:  J.M.

Aug 5:  Elissa

Aug 6:  Amanda

Aug 7:  Kristi

Aug 8:  Leah Petersen

Aug 9:  Monica B. 

Aug 10:  E. M.

Aug 11:  Monica Goulet

Aug 12:

Aug 13:  Sarah Brand

Aug 14:  Angela Ackerman                                          
Aug 15:  Tara Dairman

Lots to look forward to!  Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. As long as everyone answered with the first word, you should be able to copy the comments, paste them, and then sort them alphabetically. That would save some time. I wonder if you could set up one of those polls for yes or no and then have people make comments as to why for next time. These contests are fun. Thanks so much for doing them.

  2. Authoress-great idea from Janice Sperry. This contest has been fabulous. Thank you and Happy Anniversary next week :)

  3. I think I might have been one of the people that ruined you searching for the words - sorry, Authoress.

    But I did clearly put a "No" or "Yes" at the beginning!

    (though I think in a few, I said, "No. This would be a yes if...")

    Have a great weekend! And thanks for continuously doing awesome stuff!!!

  4. In regards to the Baker's Dozen, what, exactly, is a "logline?" Is it like the opening sentence on a query or is it a pitch? Thanks and happy anniversary!

  5. Wow, a poll is such a great idea. I wonder if you can add a poll into each entry with blogger. It would count for you! Live! This was fun.

  6. I just want to thank you for such a great contest! So incredibly helpful to get feedback, and to give it! Thanks for everything you do for the writing community, and happy a!!

  7. Oops, I may have added to the confusing with a "mostly no," but it did mean no. Even if it was "mostly." Heh. Basically I tried to convey when there was something about the first line that had me interested, and that with revamping it could turn into a yes.

    Fun to read--hope we may see a success story out of some!

  8. First lines are fun but so hard to judge! It seems so subjective. I know I lean toward a certain type of first line, but even if a book I like has a long winded opening, if I like the book, I like it and I'm not hanging on to a weird first line.

  9. Authoress, what if you add a Polldaddy poll at the end of each post for the first line grabber and have people vote yes or no there? That way you can easily see the number of "yes"s and "no"s for each line, without having to go through and count them. You can just have people comment on the posts with their reasons, too.

  10. Maybe you could have the entries themselves tally up the votes. Each entry does the one after them, with #30 doing #1. I feel bad that you always end up doing all the work, when you do so much for all of us!
