
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Quiet, Lurking, Indirect Success Story

As you know, it's not always the winners of the SA contests and the Baker's Dozen who comprise our MSFV success stories.  Many authors attribute a part of their success to this blog, despite the fact that they were NOT one of our contest winners.  This email came a few months ago (yeah, this is one that fell between the cracks of the cesspool that is my inbox):

Dear Authoress,

Even though I have not entered any of the Secret Agent contests in a while, and never placed when I entered the Baker's Dozen, I count my time lurking on your blog as well spent. I learned how to make a decent logline and a solid query. I cheered with the successes and commiserated with the entrants who didn't do so well. I learned that publication is a long game with a moving target.

Because of all that positive reinforcement, I had the strength to turn away from a time-sucking fantasy novel and trunk it, then work on something brand-new. I was able to write a strong query letter that earned me a full request, then an offer. I used that offer to get the attention of an agent I could otherwise never get near. Because of that agent, my first novel - an erotic romance space opera - will be published tomorrow. I'm already contracted for the sequel. And the agent is now considering my no-longer-trunked fantasy novel.

So thanks a million! Just because many of your readers might not comment all the time, doesn't mean we aren't learning from you every week.

M.C. Hana


  1. Congrats M.C. I agree, this site is so helpful. Critiquing and reading others' critiques has been an amazing learning experience and I feel my work getting better every time I log onto this page. Thank you so much Authoress for all your hard work.

  2. Congratulations! It's true, lurking here has been exceptionally helpful for me as well

  3. Thanks so much to Authoress, Peter, and everyone else for the kind words.

    I'm talking up MSFV right now on my blog, I so believe in this site!

    M.C. Hana

  4. Congrats M.C.!

    Publication is a crazy long haul, and I agree that I learn a ton just watching the shenanigans.

  5. That was a very cool demonstration of how people can learn and gain just from lurking at this blog...and the different roads to publication.

  6. So true! Seeing what works and what doesn't in first lines has been so helpful. It's really tough to get it all in for those first 250 words, but I think aiming for a really tight intro strengthens the writing overall.

  7. Congratulations, M.C. Hana!
    Thanks to you and Authoress for sharing your success story.

  8. I like hearing about other people's successes after a struggle. Put in your time, learn from others, and do your best. You just might succeed! Congrats, M.C., and thank you, Authoress!
