
Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Fricassee

Well, folks, we've done it -- three rounds of Logline Critique!  For those of you who tried three times and couldn't get in: I'll be announcing an opportunity for you next week on a host blog.

So the rest of this month is BUSY!  Monday is submission day for our Secret Agent contest, and then THE FIRST BAKER'S DOZEN SUBMISSION DAY is October 30!

Not to sound trite, but where has the time gone??

Next week, I'll be posting a collection of links to all the Baker's Dozen information, so you'll have it in one place.  This'll be a great opportunity, too, to ask your last-minute questions. 

For those of you who weren't sure:  No, there is not a Secret Agent contest in November; and yes, you may enter October's Secret Agent contest and still enter the Baker's Dozen Agent Auction.

In less administrative news: I am the proud owner of a beautiful new pair of jodimitts!  My beloved First Pair literally fell to pieces, and dear Jodi Meadows surprised me by announcing, a few weeks ago, that she was going to knit me a new pair.  (I think she knows that, psychologically speaking, I am unable to write in the winter without jodimitts.)  She let me pick the yarn and the pattern, and then she went to town.

They are GORGEOUS! My hands are happy, and I will now be able to continue bushwhacking my way through these revisions as the days grow colder. 

It's the small things!  And the good friends.

So, onward!  I'll see you on Monday.


  1. Congrats on your new mitts. What were the colors?

  2. I'm soooo glad you're happy with them, smooshface. <3 <3 <3 LOVE YOU!!!

  3. Kristen -- they are variegated, with lots of pink. I'm going to post a picture at some point. :)

    Jodi -- LOVE YOU, TOO!!! <3 <3 <3

  4. Thank x 1000 for hosting the logline critiques! :)

  5. Pictures!! Pictures of the jodimitts!

  6. Are these fingerless gloves, or do you really type in mittens? My fingers freeze in the winter and I have a hard time typing. I did get a footrest that has a heater built in. That really helps. I highly recommend it.

  7. Judy, they are fingerless mitts. Jodi is the mistress of knitting them! During cold weather, my hands feel naked without them.

    Your footrest sounds AMAZING.

  8. Not to get off topic of fingerless mitts but what time does the submission window open for the Secret Agent contest?

  9. I remember when your beloved jodimitts got sad, and then so happy when you found them again. Hooray for the new jodimitts, knit with the same love/good chi/mojo as the originals. : )

  10. With so much going on - including the new jodimitts - it's no wonder the time is just flying by :-)

  11. Regarding the submission window for the Baker's Dozen: Does it matter how early in the day you get your work submitted, or is it pre-judged for consideration, and the quality of your entry bears the weight? My computer clock and yours do not agree. I appeared to jump the gun on an earlier contest, so I really want to get this one entered correctly.
    Thank you for your generous spirit.

  12. Hi Authoress,

    When you say we can enter both Secret Agent and Baker's Dozen, does that mean we can enter the same manuscript into both contests?


  13. Thank you so much, Authoress, for holding all these critiques and contests! It's so much fun watching everything go down. :)

  14. Anon -- It doesn't matter how early or late in the submission window you enter. Jodi and I will be reading all of the entries (think of it as a giant slush pile) and choosing the winners based on merit.

    Lucianne -- Yes. The hope is, of course, is that any SA entries that receive good feedback will go through a serious round of revision prior to entering the BD. ;)

  15. My apologies in advance! A round 2 participant, I had misunderstood your previous post and thought we were supposed to send revised loglines TODAY. Ugh. I just sent it anyway. I understand if it's too late. My bad.

  16. Yay for new jodimitts! It's the little things in life, right?

    Happy weekend!

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