
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Submissions and Stuff

1.  Submissions for the First Sentence critique round will be open today from noon to 7 pm EDT (NYC).  Enter HERE.

(Please note: The maximum word count for every contest or critique round is always included on the web submission form.  Which is yet another reason to use the form instead of email.)

Miss yesterday's guideline's?  Read them HERE.

The sentences will post on Thursday morning; critiquing may begin immediately!

2.  Alas, I still have a 3 month lag on my editing (mostly because of the mad rush that happened at the end of April!).  But I AM STILL SIGNING NEW CLIENTS.  If you want to get in the queue, it's best to sign up sooner than later, because of the lag.  If you make changes before I get to your project, you can always send me the updated version (lots of folks have done this already).

You'll find all the details HERE.  You can email me at authoress.edits(at) with your questions.

3.  Thanks for waiting in the wings while I recharged.  The second week made a huge difference; apparently I needed a week to wind down before I could begin to actually relax.  How sad is that?  Yet there you have it, and I'm back now, and I feel NORMAL AGAIN.  (Well, okay.  That's relative.  But you know what I mean.)

So normal, in fact, that a few days ago I pulled out my YA SF draft (you know, the one that almost killed me while I was writing it a few months ago) and began the read-through-that-will-lead-to-massive-revisions.  I did it because I wanted to (imagine that!).  And now I'm unexpectedly and thoroughly in love with it, which is that last thing I thought would happen.

In short--all is well!  It feels so good to be excited about this.  Honestly, I didn't think it would happen.  That's what burn-out does to you.

Okay, then!  We're ready to roll for the rest of June.  I'll tell you about my fun-thing-with-editors another time.  Because I'm feeling feisty again, and it's more fun to be infuriating than accommodating.



  1. Woot! Glad to hear that you're really excited about your WIP and looking forward to the contest! And sneaky editor secret! :)

  2. Sorry, would love to take part, but the bot doesn't let me send my submission (send button not working)

  3. Just submitted to the lottery! *crosses fingers*

  4. I've seen your contests over and over, but was never in a position to enter. I suppose it's about time to bite the bullet.

  5. Just realized I entered using the wrong screen name so now I need to establish this one here. :-)

  6. Oooo. I missed this yesterday. I've been wishing for a first line contest. You've granted my wish. Welcome back!

  7. Congrats on the YA work! It's always better to love what you're writing, that's for sure. :)

    And for those of you thinking of signing up for the editing service, I HIGHLY recommend it! Authoress is amazing and gives incredible feedback! Worth the $$ and then some!

  8. Yay on falling in luurve with your MS!
    And i definitely agree with you on the two weeks thing. I think it's probably like that for a lot of things. Or at least i suspect it would be for the day job, but i've never had a full two weeks off. Sigh.
    Gawd, remember summer vacation? Kids don't know how lucky they are.

  9. I submitted! Here's to hoping the bot picks me.

  10. I'm so pleased to hear you are recharged and excited about your WIP again! Sometimes a step away is exactly what you need.

    I'm looking forward to seeing the entries in the First Sentence contest :)

  11. Thank you for this opportunity! And may the bot odds be ever in your favor :)
