
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Re-introducing Our Logline Guru: HOLLY BODGER

Holly Bodger is an irreplaceable part of my life--hard-nosed critique partner, down-to-earth advice giver, sender of chocolates and stuffed Yorkies, and one of the sharpest witted tongues I've ever met.  And this year, once again, she is donating her time to our Logline Critique sessions.  Holly has an excellent eye for loglines, and she'll be critiquing each of the loglines in all 3 of our rounds.  I think you'll find her advice invaluable.

Holly writes YA fiction (contemporary, dystopian, whatever-else-she-feels-like-writing) and is represented by the adorable and formidable Lauren MacLeod, another sparkly gem in the publishing world.  And here comes THE BEST PART OF ALL:

HOLLY'S AMAZING NOVEL, 5 TO 1, HAS JUST SOLD!  I can't tell you how much I love this novel; I knew it was "the one" as I was reading a second draft, and I'm delighted to yell, "I WAS RIGHT!"  

Please join me in congratulating her on the sale of her novel, and in thanking her for offering us her logline expertise.  She's a keeper, and I'm honored to know her!


  1. Congrats Holly!! Your crits are always so great that I imagine your writing is the same, and I've seen you imparting wisdome here for what seems like so long that all I can say is ABOUT BLOOMING TIME someone recognised your talent. Yay!!

  2. This brought a huge smile to my face and that's no small feat on a Wednesday at office.
    Congratulations Holly!

  3. Omilork, congrats Holly! *jumps up and down, cheering*

  4. That's such exciting news. Congrats Holly! And thank you so much for helping us all w/our loglines.

  5. Excellent! Congratulations, Holly! :)

  6. I totally agree--Holly's logline advice is some of the best out there...I say this 3 agents later (started following this blog waaay back when!). I still refer people to her logline structure. SO excited you're getting pubbed, Holly! All the best to you!

  7. WOO! Congrats to Holly!

    And yay for us for having her wonderful, awesome help! (I know i need it)

  8. That's fabulous! Congrats, Holly. You deserve this!!!
