
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Round One Logline Critique: Guidelines

Aaaaaand we're off!  Our first logline critique round will be open for submissions on Monday, September 30.

For the uninitiated:  I hold 3 critique rounds for loglines only (no story text), in preparation for the Baker's Dozen Agent Auction.  Each critique round will host 40 entries, so a total of 120 folks will get a chance for public critique of their loglines.

To avoid confusion:  These logline critique rounds are NOT a part of the auction.  They are simply an optional opportunity to get some feedback as you craft and fine-tune your logline.  You don't have to participate in the logline critique rounds in order to submit to the actual auction.

A logline should be as brief as possible.  The word count for these rounds will be set at 100, but that's still on the high side.  Think SHORT and GRABBY.


The submission window will be open from 9 am to 5 pm EDT on Monday, September 30.  This is a lottery, which means the bot will randomly choose 40 entries at the close of the window.  These entries will post on Tuesday, October 1, for critique.

WEB FORM SUBMISSIONS (preferred/easiest method):

GO HERE.  Please remember to proofread before hitting "submit".


As always, send your submission to authoress.submissions(at)  Format as follows:

SCREEN NAME: (type it here)
TITLE: (type it here)
GENRE: (type it here)

(type your 100-word logline here)

If there's ANYTHING you don't understand, please post your question below!


  1. Wooo! I could use all the help i can get, so hopefully i'll be picked in one of these sessions

  2. Can it be a WIP or does it has to be a finished manuscript?

  3. So, I won a logline critique with the super-generous Leah Petersen. Am I still eligible to post the resulting logline for additional feedback?

  4. RIck -- It absolutely needs to be a completed manuscript. In the Baker's Dozen, agents will be bidding for pages, up to a full manuscript. All entries must be completed, polished manuscripts.

    Chris -- Yes, you are eligible!

  5. You're right, 100 words is an enormous logline! I think the longest one I've seen so far in a contest is 50 words.

    Am I actually in the position of having to pad a logline?

  6. By the way, I assume that since it's a lottery, it's one entry per person and/or one book per person.

  7. It needs to be a complete manuscript for the auction though, right? I don't need a manuscript to sumbit a logline for this "lottery".

  8. Amante -- Correct. However, the whole point of these logline critique rounds is to help potential entrants (those with complete, agent-ready manuscripts) to get their loglines in shape for the auction.

  9. I've entered. That was extremely difficult to write! Fingers crossed I get picked. I need all the help I can get!
