
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Premiere Critiques Now Available!

Back in July, I offered a Premiere Critique--just one, mind you--and ended up with several requests before I finally posted that the offer had been filled.  Well, I've finally gotten through all those, so I'm opening the offer again!

I've got one Premiere Critique available for October, and one for November.  First come, first served.  (In other words, I will answer emails in the order in which I receive them.)


A Premiere Critique is an editorial letter and a detailed line edit of the first 75 pages of your completed, polished manuscript.  I will complete your critique within 1 week of your having hired me. 

Things to think about:

  • If nobody has ever read your work before (as in, ever), then don't hire me.  Find a critique partner.
  • If this is your Very First Novel, then I am not the editor for you.  My time--and your money--is better served if you have a novel or two under your belt, and if your current manuscript is clean.  (Clean doesn't mean "perfect": it just means...clean.  Polished and proofread.)
  • I will edit most genres, but if you're not sure, please check with me in your introductory email.  I will absolutely not accept erotica or erotic romance, and I also do not accept memoirs.  My strengths are YA and MG, though I've done a sizable number of adult critiques since setting up shop in January.  My true loves are fantasy and science fiction, but one of my favorite projects so far this year was a cotemporary YA (who knew?).  So, other than my exceptions noted above, almost anything goes.
The cost:
  • A Premiere Critique costs $260.  I will require a $130 dollar down payment, and the remaining $130 will be due after you've received my critique.
  • Payments are accepted via Paypal.  You do not need to have a Paypal account to use Paypal.  (It will ask you for your credit/debit card.)


My normal critique offers an editorial letter and detailed line edits for the first 30 pages of your completed manuscript.  The cost is $95--that's $50 down and $45 due upon completion.

The GOOD NEWS is that my wait time is now at a much more manageable 2 months!  Which means, of course, that clients who sign up in October will have their projects back in December.

(Unless you slam me again.  But again, it's first come, first served.)

Please direct all inquiries to authoress.edits(at)  (NOT any other email address!  I keep all editing correspondence separate from my blog stuff.)

Feel free to post general questions below.  Otherwise, I look forward to hearing from you!

UPDATE: The Premiere Critique slots have both been filled.

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