
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Name That Genre! #27

TITLE: Adult
GENRE: Secret

“Great. I needed this like I needed a hole in the head,” Jordan groaned. Although given her present situation, probably not the best choice of words.

“Hey Princess! Are you deaf?” the demanding voice growled. But she simple sat there unmoved and continued to drink her double caff venti macchiato – or whatever the mortal called it.

Her cell went off with an incoming text. It read: D kindly requests your presence back at home.

Of course she does. Jordan sighed and stood up to leave. Grabbing her coat, she began to walk towards the door.

“I’m sorry, but am I interrupting something?” the brute snapped again, impatiently.

The cell dinged again and Jordan groaned. She lifted the phone and read: Immediately if not sooner!
With a deafening bang and a loud scream from everyone else in the restaurant, Jordan saw her impatient cell shot to pieces out of her hand.


  1. Urban fantasy. The comment about "the mortal" is what does it for me. If it weren't for that one word, I might have gone with Thriller.

  2. Urban Fantasy

    "her double caff venti macchiato – or whatever the mortal called it."

  3. Urban fantasy

    Princess, mortal, macchiato, and cell phone.

  4. Urban fantasy


  5. Urban fantasy. But that hinges on a single word, "mortal."

    Suppose it could also turn into horror. Or paranormal romance. :)

  6. Urban Fantasy

    Only because of the word "mortal." Maybe paranormal.

  7. Urban Fantasy

    The use of the word Mortal.

  8. Fantasy -- also because of the word 'mortal'.

  9. Urban Fantasy.

    Mortal says the MC is not, so it's an alternate world. I could go with paranormal romance.

  10. Fantasy.

    Calling a human a mortal as if she is something else like immortal, the impatient cell, as if it has a mind of it's own, speak of fantasy.

  11. Fantasy, but confusing. Who's the brute who shows up in the middle? Good luck, Sarah

  12. Urban Fantasy

    Only non-humans call people mortals.

  13. Fantasy. Mortal gave it away. I was pretty confused reading this, however.

  14. Fantasy--

    Perhaps Urban Fantasy. The term 'mortal' gives it away :)

  15. Urban Fantasy.

    Urban because of the coffee shop. Fantasy because the MC ordered with help from a "mortal."

  16. Urban fantasy, but I'm a little baffled about what's happening. Non-mortal getting a text, but not knowing what the drink she ordered is called, seems a little out of whack. It looks like the coffee shop is getting held up and she's ignoring the robber, but I can't really tell.

  17. Fantasy - mortal.

    Also confused. I think you need to slow the scene down a bit. There's too much bouncing back and forth between the text bothering her and the person in the coffee shop bothering her for the reader to get grounded in the world.


    I'm getting mixed signals. Referring to "mortals" makes me think she isn't so this must be some kind of fantasy and since the setting is modern, I go with UF.

    But then somebody shoots her cell phone and that sounds more like a thriller. I guess there could be gunplay in UF, but I'm still confused.


    "Princess" did it. "Mortal" confirmed.

    I'm having trouble following this, though. It's difficult to tell whether the demanding voice and the brute are the same (and I have no idea who they are or what they're doing). Combine that with the fact that Jordan could also be a guy's name (and so I didn't immediately recognize that "she" was the same as Jordan), and I got really confused.

  20. Fantasy. This is interesting but confusing.

  21. Urban Fantasy

    Modern coffee and cell phones but the character is implied as not a mortal.

  22. Urban Fantasy

    The 'mortal' did it.

  23. Urban fantasy.
    I think you meant "she simply sat there."

  24. Urban fantasy.

    Definitely modern setting (cell phones, double caff venti macchiato) but the reference to 'the mortal' suggests fantasy.

  25. My Submission is indeed Urban Fantasy.

    And yes, for those of you who guessed, Jordan is an immortal. So a mortal trying to intimidate her is a laughable annoyance - one she would really like to swat.
    For those that were confused by the quick pace, my appologies. 150 words is not enough for a full explanation of what was going on.
