
Friday, July 10, 2015

Friday Fricassee

Funny how vacation throws you into a sort of alternate reality for a while--and then, suddenly, you're back.  Here I am, fricasseeing a Friday again, as though no time has passed between.

So I want to make sure you're aware of ON THE BLOCK, which I announced on Monday.  I think maybe some folks squeaked an extra day into their holiday weekend, so if you missed the news, HERE IT IS AGAIN.

The short story:  24 entries, all genres, 10-minute bidding windows, over a dozen agents.  ALL HAPPENING THIS NOVEMBER!  Submissions are in September.  Please click over to read the details.

Secondly, DON'T MISS THESE PICTURES OF AUTHORESS WITH AMAZING PEOPLE.  You know all of them.  (No, really.  You do.)

Please leave any and all questions about ON THE BLOCK either here or on the original post.  I want to make sure everyone's on the same page before we move forward.

That's all for now--happy writing and happy weekend!


  1. Excellent news on the job front. Congratulations on everything going so well so far. If it helps, my husband didn't get the "founder" interview at his most recent job until after they'd already decided to hire him. *crosses fingers for you, anyway*

  2. Congrats on the good job news, and best of luck today!

  3. Let us know how it goes! Good luck!

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