
Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday Fricassee

You know the euphoria that comes with finishing revisions?  Yep.  That would be me for the past five days.  Euphoric!

Well, okay.  Perhaps "relieved" is a less inflated way to describe it.  Satisfied.  And slightly awed, too, considering that this story was an all-out poopstain to write.

I'm excited, too, to have a couple sets of new eyeballs on my reader list this time around, and they are lovely eyeballs, indeed!  You know who you are.  (I hope!)

The next round of revisions will surely be brutal, but for now, I'm enjoying this hey-I'm-actually-between-projects thing.  I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing next, but I've given myself the week to catch up on other things and breathe a little.

For those of you who entered ON THE BLOCK:  Yes, I'm reading!  Not very quickly, to be sure--but that's why I gave myself plenty of time between submission day and notify-the-winners day.  I'm all fancy with a spreadsheet, too.  I'm seeing lots of different genres, which is fabulous.  I'm hoping to come up with a strong mix of 24 diverse entries for our agents to fight over.  I'll keep you updated on my progress!

I'm also happy to see lots of crits coming through for our current Secret Agent Contest.  KEEP THEM COMING!  This is our last Secret Agent of 2015.

Oh, and thinking ahead to post-ON THE BLOCK--will you let me know in the comment box today whether or not you'd find another Holiday Song Lyric Contest fun this year?  I love reading your entries for things like this, but I'd rather take a litmus test before scheduling.  Please take a moment to share your thoughts!

See you Monday.


  1. Another Holiday Song Lyric contest sounds like a great idea! So much fun!
    And congrats on finishing up your revisions! Hope you plan to celebrate.

  2. Congrats on the revisions! Good job. :) Edits were the least favorite but most necessary part for me as a writer when I first started though I've started enjoying that part of the process more.

    A lyric contest sounds fun! I'm not a lyricist but I'd enjoy commenting. :)

  3. Congratulations on your revisions and good luck with you're next project!

    I wasn't here for this Holiday Song Lyric contest last year but it sounds great. I vote yes.

  4. I had to click through to chime in on the holiday song contest - YES! I thought it was so much fun last year :)

  5. I think the holiday lyrics contest sounds fun! I vote yes. And congrats on finishing the revisions!

  6. I'd love to try my hand at a holiday song lyric contest!
