
Thursday, September 3, 2015

ON THE BLOCK: Submission Guidelines

Submissions for our first ON THE BLOCK auction are on Thursday, September 10--one week from today!



  • Submissions are via WEB FORM ONLY.  Please note:  We still don't have a link for the web form, because we still have to run tests.  HERE IS THE SUBMISSION LINK.  
  • Your entry will consist of a LOGLINE and the FIRST 250 WORDS of your COMPLETED, POLISHED MANUSCRIPT.  No WIPs.  If you wouldn't send it to an agent, please don't submit it to this contest.
  • Your logline should be 50 WORDS OR FEWER.  You are allowed to have up to 75 words, but YOU ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO WHITTLE YOUR LOGLINE DOWN TO 50 WORDS OR FEWER.  (Note: The bot will not be able to distinguish between your logline and your submission.  So, if your logline is 125 words long and your submission takes up the rest, you won't be rejected--but I won't be too excited by your entry, either.  Same goes for having a really short logline and then adding more words to your first page.  My eyeballs are going to be tired.  Please don't make them MORE tired.)
  • The submission window will open at 8:00 am EDT and will close at 10:00 pm EDT.
  • All categories (MG, YA, NA, Adult) and all genres except erotica and erotic romance will be included.  Unlike the Baker's Dozen Auction, there will not be separate submissions dates for children and adult entries.  It all goes into one big pot, and I will pick the 24 strongest entries from that pot.
  • There is a $21 entry fee, payable via Paypal.  (Note:  You do not have to have a Paypal account to enter.  You may choose the "use a card" option on the Paypal screen.)  Your entry will not be processed until your payment is received.
  • You MAY ENTER if your entry was included in any Secret Agent Contest.
  • You MAY NOT ENTER if you were in any of the Baker's Dozens.  WHY?  Because MANY of the agents from the Baker's Dozen are participating in On the Block.  They DO NOT want to see and bid on the same material!
  • You MAY NOT ENTER if you are agented!  This contest is for unagented authors only.
  • I will accept a maximum of 250 entries.  
  • WINNERS will be notified by email on Monday, November 2.  If you do not receive an email, that means your entry was not chosen.  I regret that, because of time constraints, I will not be sending rejection emails.  If you enter the contest, please make sure to add facelesswords(at) to your address book/contacts prior to entering the contest.
  • The 24 winning entries will post on Friday, November 6.  At this time, the agents (and lurking editors) will start reading.  Also at this time, all readers may begin to leave feedback.  Each entry will be assigned A TIME SLOT for the actual auction.  This is the 10-minute window during which the agents will be bidding.
  • On Tuesday, November 10, the entries will post in 10-minute intervals.  Bidding for each item will only be open for those 10 minutes.  
  • Winning bids will be posted on Wednesday, November 11.
I THINK THAT COVERS IT!  If it doesn't, please ask your questions below.  I will modify these guidelines as necessary.

This is going to be a high-energy fun time for all.  Seven days and counting!


  1. Hi, first of all, thank you so much for running these amazing contests! I was just wondering if it's okay to be querying the same MS you enter into the contest?


    1. Hi, Shay! Yes, it's fine. Agents assume that you are querying widely (as you should be). There is nothing exclusive about this contest--treat it like a query that you will potentially be sending to 15 agents (if your entry is chosen). Good question!

  2. Is the logline pretty much similar to the query or blurb on the back of the book kind of thing?

    1. It's more like what you would read about a movie. MUCH shorter than a jacket blurb.

      Go here to learn about loglines:

  3. Hi. Looking forward to entering! Is the bot going to cut off at exactly 300 words? To finish a sentence my entry will go 12 words over.
    Thanks in advance, Sarah.

    1. Hi! Actually, the bot will be set at 325. So you have a little wiggle room. :)

    2. Good stuff. Thanks! :) - Sarah

  4. Hi, Authoress, I understand that if I've been fortunate enough to have an entry in a Baker's Dozen contest in the past, I'm not able to enter On the Block. I'm not clear on whether this rule is referring to old manuscripts or *all* manuscripts from Baker's Dozen contestants. Am I able to submit a new, never-before-submitted manuscript? Thanks for everything you do for us! :)

    1. Yes, you may submit something brand new! The whole point is to not recycle the same material. If you have a new project, go for it! :)

    2. Wonderful! Thank you so much!

  5. Does "All Categories" include non-fiction? My question may seem silly, but I'm a teacher that won't get paid again until 9/15. There are many places that my 21.00 entry fee could go at this point in my checking account.

    1. No, it does not. The contest is for novels only.

  6. How quickly do you expect the 250 entry maximum to be reached (assuming it's reached)? Should I be setting my alarm for 5am pacific time?

    1. A hard question! Because this is a brand new contest, I am unable to gauge its popularity right now. My initial thought is that I don't expect all 250 slots to be filled. Yet when I think back to the Baker's Dozen entries, there were more than 300 entries total. All that to say -- I'm not sure! But I don't anticipate a complete sell-out in the first hour or anything like that.

  7. Hi Authoress,

    My crit pals and I are not in agreement over loglines -- can you help? How much of the book's plot should a logline cover? Only the 1st third? Half? Or enough to touch on the main conflicts/ plot points of the book?

    Thank you,

    1. Hi, Danica!

      Everything you need to know about loglines can be found right here:

      basically, it's the main conflicts/plot points, as succinctly as possible. Think "movie blurb"!

  8. I just sent my submission, but I want to make sure it went through. I didn't get a confirmation, but the charge did post to my credit card. Thanks!

  9. I'm having trouble entering. I tried to submit- it said I had to pay. I clicked on pay and went through the process again. Again, got a message to pay. I have the receipt already from paypal that I paid, but I can't get the site to accept my submission. Now what?

  10. Adding on here...if it did accept it, then I apologize if it went through twice! I just got nervous when I kept seeing the "you must pay first" header. I'm going to assume it went through unless I hear otherwise!

    1. Hi, Robin!

      I see 2 entries under your name, and neither one is marked "paid". Not sure what's going on here...I will defer this one to Michael. Please hang tight!

  11. Thank you
    I am glad the entry went through. I can forward the receipt if needed

  12. Hi there,
    Should I expect a confirmation after I pay? Or just assume the submission went through okay?
    Thank you!

    1. Hi, Angie -- If your paypal payment went through, then you're in! No further confirmation is forthcoming.

  13. Hello,
    Could you possibly check to ensure my entry went through? Thanks.

  14. Hi Authoress,

    Did my submission go through? I have a receipt from PayPal for it but everyone having issues makes me worry.

    (Screen name for it is mad-hat-ink)

    Thank you,

  15. Stupid my screen name a randomly chosen one or my Twitter one?

    1. No question is stupid! Your screen name is whatever name you like to use when you leave comments here on the blog. It's for identification purposes only.

  16. Any luck finding my payment? I am happy to forward the paypal receipt if I know where to send it. Thanks!

  17. Have all the emails been sent out? Secondly, if we did not win, how can we be sure our entry was received.

    1. Your Paypal receipt is confirmation that your entry was received. The confirmation message would have been on your screen after your entered. Your Paypal records should include your payment for this contest. All paid entries were immediately received.

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  20. "ON THE BLOCK" submission guidelines outline the requirements for contributing content to a specific platform or publication. These guidelines typically specify the preferred format, word count, style, and topics suitable for submission. They may also include instructions for manuscript submission, contact information, and any additional requirements or expectations from contributors. Following these guidelines ensures that submissions meet the publication's standards and increases the likelihood of acceptance. Use and Throw Disposable Vape
