
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

On the Block: Things You Can Win!

We're ramping up for a fun and exciting auction!  To express thanks for the time you spend on writing critiques for the 24 On The Block entries, and to showcase our fabulous SUCCESS STORY AUTHORS (yes, that's right -- every author represented here attributes either direct or indirect publishing success to his or her involvement with MSFV), I am hosting a HUGE give-away of wonderful, writerly prizes.  Check out the list below to see what's being offered!

Each critique you leave during On The Block will count as one entry in random drawings for the following:

AS IF THAT ISN'T ENOUGH -- We're also going to have  a TWITTER GIVE-AWAY!
For those of you who TWEET DURING THE ACTUAL AUCTION ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10:  You will be eligible for the following fabulous prizes:
AND  (drumroll)

Tweet to #OnTheBlock2015 between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm EST on Tuesday, November 10.  Your tweet should look something like this:

#OnTheBlock2015 -- Going on RIGHT NOW at (BOOK TITLE IN PARENTHESIS HERE).  One title per tweet.

(So, if you want to win a copy of Paper Hearts, your tweet should have (Paper Hearts) at the end.)

You may enter AS MANY TIMES AS YOU WISH.  Each eligible tweet = one entry in a drawing for the prize of your choice.

NOTE:  You MUST use the hashtag #OnTheBlock2015, or we won't see your tweets!

Winners will be notified via Twitter after On the Block is over.  (So make sure you're also following me at @Authoressanon!)

And there you have it -- fun for everyone!  I'll post critique guidelines on Friday morning when the entries go live.

On your mark...get set...


  1. Looking forward to seeing some awesome writing and the prizes amp up the excitement :)

  2. To The Divine Ms. Authoress: You are amazing! You just give and give and give. Thank you for setting this up; we know it takes a lot of time and legwork on your part and we appreciate it and love you dearly!

  3. These are awesome prizes! This is so generous of you and the contributors. Thanks so much for all the opportunities to get and give feedback to each other.

  4. Authoress, this is a wonderful thing you do. The chance to get feedback is invaluable:)

  5. This is such a great idea. What a way to make everybody feel part of this and not just the people selected! Thank you so much to you, the agents and the authors! This is very generous indeed.
