
Thursday, September 28, 2017

New Title--New Look

So, today I snapped.  I've been meaning to refresh the blog for a while now, but...well, life.  Also, I had it in my head that I wanted to do something all customized and fancy.

Then, of course, it hit me that I really just needed to choose a different theme (took 2 minutes), then edit and add an appropriate photo (took 10 minutes), and then do a little rearranging (took 5 minutes).

I'm hoping the new color scheme will be easier on the eyes.  (What was I thinking, opting for white text on a brown background?  You are all so forbearing.)

I'm getting ready to post some exciting updates on several of our Success Story Authors over the next few weeks, and I think a spiffy new blog look is appropriate.

As for the title?  Two things.  First of all, Mr. A suggested to me a long time ago that I go with "Authoress", since that has been my moniker from the beginning.  Secondly...well, I'll just say it.  Too many people call me "Miss Snark".  In emails, in contest submissions, in comments, on Twitter.  And I am not Miss Snark.  She's part of my history.  My journey.  I was her First Victim.

But I am not she.  I am Authoress.  And there you have it.

Please let me know what you think!


  1. Hey, Authoress,'s mother loves it!!! Good job!!!

  2. Looking good, Authoress! Must be the week for blog/website refreshing. I did some long overdue maintenance on mine this week too.

  3. Looks great! Love the photo. What a lovely place to write!

    1. Thank you! It's my kitchen table, and I actually don't work there very often. I probably should, though--especially when the leaves are green. You've inspired me!

  4. so much better! very nice and 'beachy'.

  5. It looks fantastic! Truly love you being YOU and not Miss Snark. (Tho, I like her too. Hahahaha!) But you realize, eventually people will only know you by Authoress and tell friends to look you up and they'll search LoL So, just food for thought. LoL (Ooooh the woes of being a marvelous you😀)

    1. And yanno, hubby and I have had THAT conversation, too! Migrating this huge, ginormous, unwieldy blog to a new location is unfathomable to me. But, yeah, I really do wish "authoress" could be my address!

  6. Wonderful! Love the new look. Anything with a bird and a bit of green makes me smile! Thanks for a wonderful resource!

  7. Love it! Hopefully soon you'll no longer be "authoress" and be able to reveal your superhero identity.

    1. Thanks, Michael! I don't know about "superhero", but I'm definitely going to drop the veil soon. Everyone knows how tired I am of hiding!

  8. Love the new look! Very glad you're you, yourself now, too.

    1. Thank you, dear! As close to "myself" as ever can be, at any rate. :)

  9. Very nice, Authoress! It's warm, clean, and inviting. And it's really easy to read now. Love it!

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks, Chris! I actually don't work there very often, but I probably should. (Especially since it's in the kitchen and close to, yanno, coffee. And tea. And food.)

  11. I think it's a nice, clean look.
    I've always had a thing for those tiny birds, flying off screen.

    1. Thank you, Sarah! I was going for "clean". I love the birds, too. :)

  12. Yes, going with Authoress is a grand idea.

  13. I like this. It's fresh. I am embarrassed to say I don't remember the other graphics. I usually read you in my email and only click on specific links.

    Love the picture. But who or what is standing in front of the tree out away from your deck? Is he spying on you? A headless scarecrow? Or something I only imagine to be sinister. Could be the shadowing. Looks like the headless trunk of a person and his right arm.

    1. Thanks! You're one of "those" readers, huh? ;)

      And OMG what? LOL I think it's the play of sunlight, overexposed, on one of my neighbor's trees. Yes? YES?

  14. Love it! So fresh, and the new photo is adorable!

    I owe you a long overdue Thank You for all of your hard work in the Baker's Dozen contest. I didn't win, but learning how to craft a logline improved my query tremendously, and honing those first 250 words showed me how to tighten and polish the entire manuscript. I finally landed an agent, and a book deal. : )

    You're awesome, Authoress. Thanks for all you do for the writing community!! : )

    1. Thank you, Sarah!

      And CONGRATULATIONS!! That's wonderful news. It's an "indirect success story" (we include those!), so if you'd like to share it, feel free to email me your story.

  15. Love your new look! Although, sometimes I miss the red hat.

    1. Thank you, Myrna! You know, I've been thinking about that red hat lately. It's upstairs in my closet. New folks around here don't even know about the red hat! Maybe I should do a hat retrospective post. ^.^

  16. I love it your new look! It's so bright!

    1. Thank you, Dana! "Bright" is what I was going for. :)

  17. Love the rebranding. The pictures are lovely and it has a thoughtful appeal. A tiny bit of an eye shock on the level of bright, but that is more than likely my computer room eyes. :-) I enjoyed your other landing page as well since it felt detective/mystery, but this page reads more cerebral, a writer coming from experience. Kudo! Also, this clears up the name issue well. I did believe your moniker was Miss Snarks (which I love the image the name created, but being her victim is oh-so-much cooler an image.) It was not until I started commenting and the reply was Authoress that it became clear.
    Congrats, Authoress.
