
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Our Queen of the Query Quagmire: Danielle Burby

Here's the scoop on the lovely Danielle Burby, who will be gracing our winning entries with her thoughtful feedback this week.

On a personal note, and in case you are new and didn't know--Danielle has been my agent for a little over a year and a half now, and it is truly a match made in heaven.  I couldn't be more thankful for her expertise, her passion, her editorial eye, her ne'er-say-die-ness, her verve, and her incredible and unflagging support.  Never have I had such a champion.  My journey has been a long one, and I'm so thankful that, through its twists and turns, I've ended up with Danielle.  If your work is query-ready and lines up with her wish list, don't hesitate to query her.  She is truly the créme de la créme.

Based in New York City, Danielle became an agent at Nelson Literary Agency (NLA) in January 2017. Previously, she was an agent at a NYC-based firm where she managed foreign rights in addition to building her client roster. She also interned at several top agencies and publishers before graduating from Hamilton College with a dual degree in creative writing and women's studies. 

Danielle represents all genres of YA and MG along with select passion projects on the adult side in women's fiction, sci-fi/fantasy, and mystery. She particularly enjoys complex female characters, quirky adventures, narratives that ask readers to think deeply, girls with swords, and seaside novels. Danielle also looks for a strong narrative voice and characters she wants to spend time with. For more information about her wishlist, check out NLA's Submission Guidelines page. You can find details about her recent sales on Publishers Marketplace.


  1. Whoo hoo! I've got popcorn in hand and my computer screen fired up. Can't wait to follow along for some great insight. These amazing entries already have me working hard to strengthen my own query and first pages.

    1. Wow, great feedback from Ms. Burby. I never thought of the title being a tipping point. I had always heard it was ultimately up to the publisher, so a non-issue.(Time to workshop my title!) Also, I really appreciated her feedback on the Author Bio. That one has always has thrown me as it was suggested unless I had top-notch awards or credentials as impressive as a few of the manuscript picks to keep it quick and light. Now I wonder if perhaps a short blip on my career and/or hobby might help an agent get a more clear picture of who they might want to work with. Thank you again, Authoress. I appreciate you!

  2. Do you know if the inclusion of sci-fi/fantasy in adult she is seeking is accurate? It doesn't appear in her profile on the agency website. I've been trying to decide which agent to sumit to. Thanks!

    1. Danielle sent me the bio, so I would assume that, yes, it's accurate. :)
