
Thursday, November 2, 2017

On Gabrielle Harbowy and My First Published Story

I have a lot to thank this gal for.

Years ago, for no reason that is clear to me, Gabrielle Harbowy took an interest in me--or at least in my blog.  In 2010, she interviewed me for her blog (the link is no longer active, else I would share it), which was a big dose of affirmation for me.  The following year, I met her for breakfast in San Francisco, and she posed for what has turned out to be one of my favorite pictures of people-wearing-my-red-hat.  She was utterly lovely, and made me feel like she was honestly glad to meet me.

You have to admit she wears the hat well!

For those of you who don't know Gabrielle, here is her bio:

Gabrielle Harbowy copyedits professionally and is a submissions editor at the Hugo-nominated Apex Magazine. With Ed Greenwood, she co-edited the award-nominated When the Hero Comes Home anthology series; their latest anthology endeavor is Women in Practical Armor, from Evil Girlfriend Media. Her short fiction can be found in several anthologies, including Carbide Tipped Pens from Tor. She’s also the author of two novels: Hellmaw: Of the Essence (TEGG) – which won Runner-Up in the Science Fiction/Fantasy category at the San Francisco Book Festival, and Gears of Faith (Paizo). For more information, visit her online at @gabrielle_h or

Gabrielle has been a big supporter and participator on this blog over the years, showing her face in places like The Baker's Dozen and Adorable Editors as well as announcing open submissions for Dragon Moon Press (and nabbing authors!).  I've always been grateful for this.

I was especially grateful, though, when, in 2012, Gabrielle invited me to submit a short story for an upcoming anthology from Dragon Moon.  When the anthology was published in 2013, the only thing I wasn't happy about was that I couldn't share it here on the blog, because of, yanno, the anonymity.  (Which is now gone!  Hooray!)

So it gives me great pleasure to finally let you know about WHEN THE HERO COMES HOME 2, a collection of science fiction and fantasy stories by a wide range of authors.  I'm honored that Beginning, my first short story, is included in this terrific mix!

You can buy your copy at AMAZON or BARNES AND NOBLE or INDIEBOUND.

Of course I'm dying to hear someone say, "Hey, I've read this! Never dreamed Jillian Boehme was Authoress!"  If that's you, please don't hold back!

Thank you, Gabrielle, for the part you've played in my writing journey.  And thank you for being a friend.


  1. How frustrating that you couldn't share this until now. But congratulations, however belated they may be...

  2. It's awesome to have someone believe and encourage you (when they aren't related. ;) )
