
Thursday, November 2, 2017

Write Her Bio Contest Winners

Okay, this wasn't easy!  I was originally a bit disappointed by the small number of entries (only 13), but in the end, that turned out to be a blessing.  I'm sure I'd still be wringing my hands over which to choose!

I so appreciate the vast amounts of creativity that went into these efforts.  A HUGE THANK YOU to all thirteen of you!  Be assured that I read every entry more than once.  More than more than once.

In the end, though humor abounded, I decided to choose the 2 entries in which the writer really captured me.  It's a indescribable feeling when someone shows they've been paying attention--really getting to know the "you" that's been put out there.  It's all sorts of affirming.

So, without further ado, here are my two winning entries:

AUTHORESS BIO by Rebecca LuElla Miller

Loretta Langley writes young adult fantasy. As an aspiring actress and musician, she majored in music education in college. However, her passion soon turned to writing. After all, her first "claim to fame" had come in ninth grade as the author of a fairytale. As an adult, Ms. Langley's fame spread through her writing blog, Miss Snark's First Victim. Over 2.5 million visitors have benefitted from her contests, critiques, and advice. Although she still sings with the local symphony orchestra and plays the piano, she spends most days writing fiction. Ms. Langley is married, enjoys ballet, loves Teuscher truffles and helping other writers become publishing success stories. She is currently agented by Most-Beloved-Agent.


Harriett Saunders writes and lives in America’s Midwest. When the sun is shining, you will find her on the porch, writing to the music of the local wildlife, a cup of tea never far from her hand. Her hobbies include ballet, playing the piano and singing in a choir, two of which she is very skilled at. She loves the ocean, organic food and fingerless gloves. Harriett’s dedication and commitment to the writing community is legendary. For many years she has anonymously run Miss Snark’s First Victim, a blog through which she has supported and boosted the careers of numerous aspiring authors, and helped agents find great books to represent.

Congratulations, Rebecca and Kate, and thank you for your lovely and insightful depictions of me.  Please email me at and let me know where to send your $20 B&N gift cards!

I'd like to also add this honorable mention, because I think it's the most epic name anyone could've come up with:

AUTHORESS BIO by Scott Mitchell

Euphemia Endeavour is a woman of many names because her parents couldn’t decide what to name her. Her actual name is Eunice Urella Penelope Huldah Elizabeth Mehitable Irene Arabella Endeavour. Her parents used the first initial of each name and called her Euphemia. It’s understandable why Euphemia loves wine. She began her writing career in kindergarten with Once Flushed, Gone Forever about the unexpected loss of her prize goldfish. Her writing endeavors continued through the years until she became Miss Snark’s First Victim. From that point on, with the help of chocolate and wine, she survived the writerly angst to finally publish Death by Wine and Chocolate. She lives with her husband somewhere in the United States.

Thank you, Scott.  You may call me Euphemia whenever you wish.  :)

And, finally, I thought you might like to see my actual bio:

In her quest to become a princess, Jillian Boehme once wrote a letter to Prince Edward in the hope that they could become pen pals (and, well, get married). That didn't work, so she decided to write stories instead. She also plays the piano, sings, and dreams of living in a hobbit hole. Having grown up on the east coast, she longs for the ocean, but has settled for the knolls of Middle Tennessee, where she lives with her husband, offspring, and an exquisite cat named Lucy.

And there you have it!  A huge thank you once again to everyone who took the time to create something special.  Hugs to all!


  1. Those are great. It's tough to write bios of any kind. Kudos to all who entered.

  2. How exciting! Thanks for picking me as a winner!
