
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Pitch for the Win #26 - MG SF

TITLE: Violet Ray and The Magnetic Pole Reversal
GENRE: MG Science Fiction

When invaders capture 11-year old Violet's guardian, Cat Ion, she must use all of her inventions and create a plan to rescue him without exposing her identity as a genetic marvel, at the risk of losing her island home, or even her life.


  1. I love this one. First, SF is not very common in MG, so kudos to you. Second, the plot is focused and makes sense. I like the idea of a magnetic pole reversal and wonder how this will play a role in the story. I wonder what all the inventions are. I also wonder why she has to hide her identity. Finally, I wonder why the guardian has been kidnapped. Maybe the invaders are looking for tech geeks? Would read this.

  2. Right length! SCIFI MG is cool. Then I got lost.

    [Cut when] Invaders capture 11-year old Violet's guardian, Cat Ion [define who Cat is or is it "guardian cat, Ion", she must use all of her inventions and create a plan to rescue him without exposing her identity as a genetic marvel [neat but why not?], at the risk of losing her island home, or even her life. Maybe period after Ion. Then -Genetic marvel Violet risks exposes her super power genetic genius to create inventions to rescue Ion, putting at risk her island home and life. Just a thought.

    1. Oh well, messed that up, but you get my drift. Nice series set up too.

  3. This is really great. The only thing I wanted was a little bit more about Violet. Possibly a little set up about her first? Violet is an 11-year-old who loves nothing more than making something out of nothing or loves to nothing except make new things with old toys or blah, blah, blah, until she is forced to xyz when her guardian Cat Ion goes missing.

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