
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Pitch for the Win #35 - Memoir

TITLE: Family Matter: A Memoir of the Brain and a Family Rewired
GENRE: Adult Memoir

As the youngest of nine, I used real and inflated illnesses to stand out. But, when unexplained seizures surged through my body, I told no one.

At 22 I was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor. Later, when a stroke destroyed my father’s mind and body, I wondered how I had avoided the same fate. I needed to change too. I would always be the baby, but I didn’t have to act like one.


  1. Your pitch is powerful and brutally self-aware. In an era where most Western families are small, the psychology of competing for attention in a large family is interesting and unfamiliar territory for many of us to explore. How old were you when your father had the stroke? You say you wondered how you 'had avoided the same fate'. Were you still relatively young when that happened? If so maybe you could lift the dramatic stakes in your pitch by enquiring, 'I wondered if I could avoid the same fate'. It's not clear what stage of life you are in at the time of having written this memoir. Are you positioning yourself as a person who is secure in the thought that they have avoided a catastrophic stroke, or as a person who feels they are at risk of having one? Your final sentence is a beauty.

  2. I too would love to know the age at the time of the seizures (age 22? connected to the tumor?) Love the last line as well! Good luck.

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