
Friday, August 16, 2019

Friday Fricassee

A few days ago, I hit what was truly the first bump along the road to Stormrise's release. My editor emailed me to let me know that my pub date had been pushed out, from September 10 to September 24.

On the surface, it doesn't seem like a big deal--2 measly weeks, right? Except that I have a huge, private release party planned for the 10th. I've had the venue secured for months (literally since last year). To date, I have over 70 guests who've said they'll be there, and 3 of them are flying in from out of state.

In short, it's sort of a big deal. Because when you wait 14 years for your first novel to come out, you want to celebrate big. And apparently, so do your friends and family.

So, yes, I cried. A lot. I was all I'm going to have to move my party date, and that will mess up everything for so many people.

I'm surrounded by wonderful people who love me, though, and in very short order, I was able to see straight. (Many thanks to my sister, my agent, my husband, and my eldest daughter for talking me through it in the heat of the moment!) Of course I don't have to move the party. It may not be my actual release date any more, but it's still going to be a huge celebration.

Tor Teen is being wonderful as well, brainstorming about ways to help make the party meaningful, despite the changed release date. (It's not Tor's fault; it's a manufacturing delay brought on by the current paper shortage.) Like making a Stormrise poster and sending it directly to the venue. And offering bookplates for me to sign, in case we can't have any actual copies on site. 

So it's all good! And I'm as thankful as always. But it was definitely a horse-sized pill to swallow. 

This adds two more weeks to my preorder offer as well. Details HERE. And remember that signed copies are also available for preorder through Parnassus Books! Which I'm super excited about. (Those details are also on my website.)

Oh, the FEELS, though! Isn't it astonishing the way something can slay us in a moment, causing us to lose all perspective? I'm thankful I'm surrounded by an amazing tribe who always has my back.

Happy weekend, everyone--and thanks for continuing, as always, along this journey with me!


  1. Dang. I can see how that was a very hard blow indeed. Even just having to wait longer for it to come out is hard, but all those plans... Glad you have people to help you through it. I'm also disappointed that it's no longer coming out on my birthday. I should've called the paper company to let them know. That would've solved this problem before it began. ;)

    1. Hah! Why didn't we think of that earlier? :) Thank you for your empathy. xo

  2. Wow. I too would have considered that a bummer. But it seems you have a great support system, and that makes all the difference. Just think of it like this - you get to celebrate twice! And hopefully celebrate again as you watch Stormrise rise up the charts 😁

    1. Thank you, Deb -- you're right! And actually, my local Barnes and Noble event, which was originally scheduled for the 12th, has been pushed to the 24th--my new release date! So I'm having an event on the actual day, which does make it seem like a second celebration! :)

  3. Ooooooh! You aren't alone in the feels category. I'd have had a meltdown and would've needed swept up out of the pool of tears! So glad you had a great support team! And they are right, the party can still be fabulous in celebration of YOU and your BOOK BABY! I'm positive it's going to be an AMAZING day!

    1. Thank you!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 Yes, I don't know how I would've fared if I didn't have my peeps surounding me.

  4. A party with over 70 attending- that's awesome! And it will be awesome. That doesn't change. Congrats and have fun!!!

    1. Thank you so much! <3 Yes, I'm blown away by the love and support. I'm going to have to wear waterproof mascara that night!
