
Friday, September 6, 2019

New Contest on the Horizon: HOOK THE EDITOR

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

So it's definitely taken me a while (my apologies!), but I've finally got something for you. 

How'd you like to win a 10-page, in-depth edit from an editor who, until recently, worked for a major publisher? If this makes your writerly fingers tingle, read on!

You may already know that my lovely editor, Elayne Becker, has left Tor Teen. It was heartbreaking to lose her, because she is incredibly talented. The good news for you, though, is that Elayne is now doing freelance editing! And I'm doing my part to get the word out (because she's so very good at what she does).

Hook the Editor will give you a chance to hook first your colleagues, and then, if you're chosen for the final round, Elayne herself. Here's how it will work:

1. ROUND ONE: Submit a pitch and the first two sentences of your (completed, edited) story. A maximum of 50 entries will be chosen.

2. The pitches will post on the blog, and readers will vote YES or NO as to whether they were hooked by your pitch. The 5 entries with the most YES votes will go to the next round.

3. ROUND TWO: The 5 winning entries will be invited to submit their first 250 words, along with their original pitches.

4. The 5 first pages will post on the blog. Readers will critique, and Elayne will read, leave comments, and then choose her favorite.

5. Elayne's choice will win a 10-page edit!


*Submission date: Tuesday, September 24 (Stormrise release day! Wooo!)
*The pitches will post on Tuesday, October 1; voting will begin immediately.
*The 5 winning entries will post on Tuesday, October 8; critiquing will begin immediately.

PLEASE NOTE: I will post a CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, with full submission instructions. Mark your calendars!

Ask your questions below. I'm super excited about this! 


  1. I'm a latecomer to this blog; found it today (from the link at Speculative Fiction)(which I also just found in August.) How long can/should the pitch for the contest be? I'm learning all the nuances of writing and publishing as they exist in the 21st century. (My experience is from LAST century... 1990, to be exact. A LOT has changed!)

    1. Hi, there, and welcome! The pitch should be 75 words or fewer. (I always pad it by a few words on the submission form, to allow for sentence endings.)

      I'm so glad you found us!

  2. Thanks! Now, to cut those words... oh, the agony!

  3. yaaaay i love when you host contests! is it just the other participants that can vote yes or no, or can supporters/people passing by vote as well?

    1. Everyone can vote! And when the 5 finalists are up, everyone can critique. Yay! :)

  4. Prologue or first chapter for the sentences?

    1. That's always a tricky question! If your story starts with a prologue, then that's what readers will see first, so technically that's what you should submit for the sentences. Unless you're up in the air about whether or not you actually need the prologue.

  5. Do one word sentences count as sentences?

    1. Good question! Technically, yes. This isn't about the number of words so much as it's about the punch your first 2 sentences make, regardless of how long or short they are. Make sense?

  6. Can we enter a manuscript that has won a secret agent contest previously? Thanks :)

    1. It's been quite a while since we've run one of those, so yes! Go for it!

    2. Awesome; I will! Thanks. And I'm "HitC Music" on Instagram, btw. I commented on one of your posts the other day :)

    3. Oooo, really? Now I'll have to go back and look! :)

    4. Yes, I realized afterwards "Oh, she has no idea who HitC is." Not that you know who "Tiffany Dawn" is much better, lol, but at least it's something! Ha ha!

    5. LOL But at least I recognize your name! That counts for something, right? :))

  7. Questions about "Submit a pitch and the first two sentences". 1) How do I submit, is it just in the blog Comments section? 2) How long is the pitch? 280 chars? 50 words? Query length?
