
Thursday, March 25, 2010

16 YA Paranormal

TITLE: Chaos Happens
GENRE: YA Paranormal

The girl’s bathroom stunk. Not ‘normal’ stinkage. Something worse. Something—eeewww.
A girl stumbled out of the stall, wiping her face and shaking. Janie Morris.


  1. I would change the "eeewww" either to a more descriptive word or a word that reads better like p.u. or yuck because the spelling of the current word isn't effective...I would read more though...

  2. Barely hooked. I'm curious to know why the bathroom smelled so abnormally bad, but I don't feel an attachment to the voice of the main character yet.

  3. Er. Kinda hooked?

    Stink is pretty vague. She's-a-zombie stink? Or she had too much Mexican food for lunch stink?

  4. Agree with Angela. Bathroom stink, imo, is something you don't want to be vague about. Spawns all kinds of unpleasant thoughts...making me not want to read on.

    As is, not hooked.

  5. I'm torn. I'm curious what made this smell so much worse, but I'm not sure I'd read a lot longer unless we get a lot more soon.

  6. I'm not sure what "normal stinkage" would be, but I'm interested to know why Janie is shaking. I would read on

  7. Not hooked here... I'm not sure if Janie is the protagonist... if not, then the protagonist is too invisible right off.

    "Something - ewwww." <- You could assert the protagonist (if it isn't Janie) and also show this a little more by having the character slap a hand over her nose and angle her head to see who was in the stalls.

  8. The "eeewww" threw me off. Still, I'd probably read a little more.

  9. Thank you all for your responses! This is very helpful.

  10. If you're going to start with an awful smell, let us smell it. Don't say it stunk, clue us in on what it smelled like.

    Of course, making it too graphic might turn some readers off. Maybe start with the girl stumbling out of the stall, then go into the smell?

  11. When I first read this I thought you mean A girl, rather than THE bathroom. Maybe leave off girl's and just say the bathroom?

    I'm curious about what's happening, but not sure I'm hooked yet.

  12. Seems more like a boy's bathroom than a girl's.

  13. Not hooked.

    An awful stink in the first sentence just turns my stomach (my imagination is all too helpful), and I am not invested enough in the story to be interested.

  14. My first impression was that the MC was standing in the doorway of the bathroom overpowered by the stink, and that she was saying Janie Morris was the cause.

    The second time through, I get (I think) that Janie had just vomited, but I'm still not clear on where this is going and who I should be rooting for. Not hooked

  15. describe the smell and then I'd be hooked!

  16. I was distracted by the "eeewww" and found myself mentally trying out various pronunciations rather than getting into the story, I'm afraid.

  17. Not really hooked. A bit curious, but not enough to pick up the book and do more than read the back jacket.
