
Thursday, March 25, 2010

146 YA Paranormal

TITLE: Devil.May.Care
GENRE: YA Paranormal

My knuckles turned white as my fingernails bit into the plush velvet fabric. My arms muscles burned from the effort of holding my body up.


  1. Not sure if I'm hooked yet, but I would keep reading.

  2. Not hooked - no idea what's going on here. I might read a bit further to see if it hooked me, but too adrift from just this.

  3. Not hooked yet... I think you could combine the two sentences here and it would flow smoother.

    Backseat Writer Note: I'm not sure about the knuckles turning white - wouldn't just the fingertips turn white?

  4. Not sure what's going on. I would read further, in hopes of getting hooked.

  5. I'm not hooked. Seems a bit overwritten and with a flair toward the overdramatic.

  6. It wouldn't stop me from reading, but something that may help this opening is to change up the sentence structure. It seemed repetative starting both sentences with the word "my."

  7. I think this should be a second or third sentence. There needs to be something to ground this and hook me first.

  8. I'm with Theresa - this is an example, in my opinion, of show vs tell gone wrong. It's such deep showing that I have idea what's going on and I'd probably put this down for fear of death my description. Think of the story. What's the story here?

  9. Not hooked, sorry. (The title didn't do anything for me, either.) It would depend a lot on the scene that follows, but showing the MC stressed/nervous (though well done) doesn't really have anything to make me connect to her/him.

  10. Since we don't know what has provoked such a strong reaction, it all seems a bit OTT.

  11. In my mind, the character is dangling from a fancy, velvet settee. Not sure how or why, but I'm willing to stick around to see how it all goes.
