
Monday, February 16, 2009

And Here Are The WINNERS!

You can all stop hitting "refresh" now. *grin*

Here are Kristin's winning submissions:


11. With a Name Like Love by Tess
40. The Catbird Spell by Pat Bow
42. Kera by Berserxes
43. No Such Thing as Polar Bear Repellent by Too Gullible

Ms. Nelson warmly invites her honorable mentions to submit a traditional query. PLEASE EMAIL ME at facelesswords(at) for SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS.


27. Butterfly Swords by Jeannie Lin
35. The Twilight Lands by Megan M.
45. Constant Bliss by ipgirl
51. Below Mountain Lights by Keyboard Hound

THE PRIZE: Ms. Nelson requests that you submit the first 30 pages of your manuscript so that she can keep reading. PLEASE EMAIL ME for SPECIFIC SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS.

Lots of gooey congratulations to all our winners! It's been an especially exciting round. Thank you to EVERYONE who participated. Our Secret Agent rounds wouldn't exist if it weren't for ALL of you.


  1. Very cool! Congratulations to everyone and good luck! :)

  2. >>51. Below Mountain Lights by Keyboard Hound

    YEAHHHHHH I loved this one!

  3. Congratulations to the winners! I think we all won, though. Feedback from an agent is a rare prize indeed.

  4. Congrats to all the winners!

  5. Congratulations to all of you, but especially to Keyboard Hound, whose submission charmed the pants off me. (Er, don't take that literally. It's a figure of speech.)

    Great going, gang! :-)

  6. Congratulations to all the winners and good luck with your submissions. I hope one (or more!) of you lands Kristin as your agent!

  7. Congratulations and best wishes to all of the winners. Also, congratulations to every one who submitted an entry. It takes a lot of nerve to post your work online for the entire world to see!

  8. Best wishes and congrats to all-- we are all winners! Thanks to Agent Kristin for the feedback, and special thanks to Authoress for making this possible.

  9. Good job to all the winners! You guys deserved it. :)

  10. Once again, thanks very much to everyone who commented. Regardless of what happens, you've made the opening of Kera better and made me a better writer.

    (Looks left, looks right. Three small steps of a happy dance!)

    Okay, now I'll be calm.

    Verification word: "diffus", not too far from doofus.

  11. This was a great contest. I'm so happy to see some of my favorites made the cut. Kristin Nelson rocks! I send my thanks to her and to Authoress for making this contest possible!

  12. Congrats to the winners! Happy dance!

  13. Congratulations all! I sure hope this gets you places. You deserve it!

  14. Congrats to everyone. What wonderful comments I received. This will definitely make me a stronger writer.

  15. Congratulations to all the winners. A lot of Kristen's choices were my favorites as well and I hope they do well in the next stage of getting published.


  16. Thanks to all! There was such an interesting mix of genres and openings - a lot of fun to read through!

    I'll be fixing some details in my opening based on everyone's feedback before sending it in. Thanks again.

  17. Congratulations, everyone! I didn't enter, but I had a great time reading.

    Keyboard Hound - I'm so happy for you - not more than the others - but because I've encountered you on other sights and you've always been so helpful to me. Glad to see you getting a chance!

    Good luck to all of you as you proceed!

  18. Yippee! Two of my favs won. Happy dance time!

  19. Wow!! Who would have thought it?

    Thank you Agent Kristen and Authoress and thank all of you others for your encouragement and comments. I will consider and learn from every one. I've enjoyed this so much.

    What a feeling seeing my story in with the winners!!! I had to shut the page down and then pull it up again to make sure it was still there. I won't sleep a wink tonight.

    This is the first time I've ever posted work publicly and I never dreamed it would be so exciting. What a way to learn!


  20. I also want to chime in my thanks to Authoress for running the contest and Kristin for so thoughtfully commenting on 60 first pages.

    I think what I learned most of all that some 'rules' (e.g. starting with backstory, a character waking up or heavy dialect) is okay if the writer keeps it fresh and focused.

    I really enjoyed reading everyone's pages. Keep going!

  21. Wow! That was so much fun. Congratulations to all the winners. I can have a break from writing now. Not!

    Thank you, Authoress, and Secret Agent, Kristen. I"m so glad that I entered. I learned so much.

    Thanks to all the happy critters too.

    I'm happy for you Keyboard hound. I love little Maggie.

  22. Kudos to all the winners and a Thank you to Secret Agent Kristen. Special thanks to Authoress who hosts these events. I know it takes a lot of time.

    It is always a great learning experience.

  23. Congrats to everyone. This was an absolutely phenomenal experience.

    Thanks again to Authoress and Agent Kristen.


  24. Congrats to everyone. This was an absolutely phenomenal experience.

    Thanks again to Authoress and Agent Kristen.


  25. Congratulations to the winners!

    I just found my way to the site via Pub Rants, but I'll be sticking around. I look forward to browsing through the archives.
